If You See Something, Say Something® Outreach Materials: New York–New York City | Homeland Security
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If You See Something, Say Something® Outreach Materials: New York–New York City


Partners have access to campaign outreach materials that DHS has developed for state, local, tribal, territorial, and private sector entities and organizations. The campaign offers this package of pre-developed materials for this specific city.

Graphic examples of downloadable pre-developed campaign materials including posters, brochures, and web banners.

DHS has provided graphic design support at NO COST; however, DHS does not fund printing, hosting, or paid media placement of the materials and are the responsibility of the requesting partner. Below you will find the complete list of downloadable materials, print-ready and zipped for your convenience.

Note: Commercial printer-ready files include bleeds, trim/crop marks, center marks, and page info.

Questions? Send an email to seesay@hq.dhs.gov and include:

  1. The entity you represent
  2. Your name and contact information (phone, email)
  3. The city and state in which your entity is located
Attachment Ext. Size Date
NewYork_NewYorkCity_SeeSay_8.5x11 Posters.zip ZIP 9.09 MB 08/28/2023
NewYork_NewYorkCity_SeeSay_11x17 Posters.zip ZIP 15.88 MB 08/28/2023
NewYork_NewYorkCity_SeeSay_24x36 Posters with Print Marks.zip ZIP 57.04 MB 08/28/2023
NewYork_NewYorkCity_SeeSay_Social Media Graphics.zip ZIP 571.15 KB 08/28/2023
NewYork_NewYorkCity_SeeSay_TrifoldBrochure with Print Marks.zip ZIP 2.54 MB 08/28/2023
NewYork_NewYorkCity_SeeSay_TrifoldBrochure.zip ZIP 2.41 MB 08/28/2023
NewYork_NewYorkCity_SeeSay_WebBanners.zip ZIP 128.23 KB 08/28/2023
NewYork_NewYorkCity_SeeSay_8.5x11 Posters Academic Institutions.zip ZIP 12.86 MB 08/28/2023
NewYork_NewYorkCity_SeeSay_Social Media Graphics Academic Institutions.zip ZIP 11.55 MB 08/28/2023
Last Updated: 06/08/2022
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