If You See Something, Say Something® Translated Outreach Materials | Homeland Security
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If You See Something, Say Something® Translated Outreach Materials


“If You See Something, Say Something®” has developed campaign resources that are available for download in more than 10 languages. The campaign offers this package of pre-developed translated materials to provide meaningful access for individuals with limited English proficiency.

Graphic examples of downloadable pre-developed campaign materials including posters and web banners.

Below you will find the complete list of downloadable materials, print-ready and zipped for your convenience. DHS has provided these graphics at NO COST; however, partners or individuals are responsible for printing and distributing based on their unique needs.


These materials cannot be modified in any way due to trademark and licensing agreements that exist with the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

Please reference the Rules and Restrictions page to become aware of all guidelines that must be followed when using campaign materials.


Attachment Ext. Size Date
Arabic_SeeSay_Materials.zip ZIP 697.5 KB 08/15/2023
Chinese_Simplified_SeeSay_Materials.zip ZIP 1.67 MB 08/03/2023
Dari_SeeSay_Materials.zip ZIP 1.33 MB 08/11/2023
English_SeeSay_Materials.zip ZIP 697.89 KB 08/11/2023
French_SeeSay_Materials.zip ZIP 1.15 MB 08/11/2023
Haitian_Creole_SeeSay_Materials.zip ZIP 962.66 KB 08/11/2023
Japanese_SeeSay_Materials.zip ZIP 1.30 MB 08/11/2023
Korean_SeeSay_Materials.zip ZIP 685.95 KB 08/03/2023
Pashto_SeeSay_Materials.zip ZIP 986.9 KB 08/15/2023
Portuguese_SeeSay_Materials.zip ZIP 671.71 KB 08/03/2023
Russian_SeeSay_Materials.zip ZIP 1.27 MB 08/11/2023
Spanish_SeeSay_Materials.zip ZIP 1.07 MB 08/11/2023
Thai_SeeSay_Materials.zip ZIP 1.08 MB 08/11/2023
Vietnamese_SeeSay_Materials.zip ZIP 981.17 KB 08/11/2023
Translated_SeeSay_Materials with Print Marks ZIP 6.49 MB 08/11/2023
Hebrew_SeeSay_Materials.zip ZIP 841.36 KB 08/11/2023
Italian_SeeSay_Materials.zip ZIP 1.06 MB 08/11/2023
Farsi_SeeSay_Materials.zip ZIP 594.96 KB 08/11/2023
Polish_SeeSay_Materials.zip ZIP 3.06 MB 11/20/2023
Last Updated: 11/20/2023
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