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Social Security Number Fraud Prevention Act Report


In order to comply with the Act’s prohibition on the inclusion of a full Social Security number (SSN) in documents sent by mail, unless expressly identified as necessary by the Secretary, the DHS Privacy Office plans to implement a multi-phased effort to identify, inventory, analyze, and restructure the use of SSNs in mailed correspondence at the Department. This report describes that effort.

Additionally, the Department, led by the DHS Privacy Office, will use this opportunity to conduct a holistic review of its approach to the use of SSNs in an effort to further reduce the collection, maintenance, and use of this sensitive personal identifier. While the Department’s approach goes beyond what the Act requires, it will aid the Department in reducing the unnecessary collection and use of SSNs.

Attachment Ext. Size Date
Final Social Security Number Fraud Reduction Act Report PDF 459.06 KB 06/15/2023
Fourth Social Security Number Fraud Prevention Act Report--August 2020 PDF 853.47 KB 08/25/2020
Third Social Security Number Fraud Prevention Act Report--August 2019 PDF 789.56 KB 08/26/2019
Second Social Security Number Fraud Prevention Act Report--November 2018 PDF 187.65 KB 11/08/2018
First Social Security Number Fraud Prevention Act Report--July 2018 PDF 516.72 KB 07/25/2018
Last Updated: 07/06/2023
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