S&T First Responder Infographic | Homeland Security
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S&T First Responders Infographic


DHS S&T works closely with first responders, academia, research and development organizations, industry, innovators and venture capitalists to use science to help strengthen our first responders and the nation. Check out our infographic to learn more on how S&T is helping protect our homeland.

S&T First Responders Group, using science to strengthen first responders and the nation. 18,000+ Improved firefighter garments. 1.25 million threats detected. 2,000+ state and local law enforcement officers trained to detect radiation. Helping law enforcement seize more than $10 million in criminal funds. Industry sold over 40,000 products developed by S&T accounting for $19 Million in sales revenue. Supporting over 3 million public safety users with and mobile radio interoperability. 30+ states using our enhanced information sharing tools, technologies, resources & exercises.488+ state and local bomb squads using S&T technology and techniques. 9% improvement in imposter detection through innovative training technology. Helping safe 475 child sex trafficking victims. 21 state and terrirtories using hurricane evacuation tool. Working together to support our responders and secure our nation. First Responders: Develop user-driven technology solutions; science and engineering support; objective resource on technology; training tools; behavior and social science research; Academia and research & development: first responder market analysis; research and development opportunities; collaborate with first responders. Industry, innovations, venture capitalists: The first responder needs and marketplace, collaborate on standards development; partcipate in operational testing, and commercialize technology. Public: safer communities, increased resilience to disasters, and keeping pace with local needs. Connect with us. Email first.responders@hq.dhs.gov. Facebook: @firstrespondersgroup. Linkedin" linkedin.com/company/dhsscitech. Website: scitech.dhs/first-responders. Twitter: @dhsscitech. Youtube: youtube.com/dhsscitech.

Attachment Ext. Size Date
S&T First Responders Infographic (2018) PDF 517.93 KB
S&T First Responders Infographic (Postcard) (2018) PDF 176.63 KB
Last Updated: 01/12/2023
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