Summary of CRCL Recommendation Memorandum and CBP's Response: Behavior Management of Unaccompanied Children in Custody | Homeland Security
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Summary of CRCL Recommendation Memorandum and CBP's Response: Behavior Management of Unaccompanied Children in Custody


On February 27, 2023, CBP responded to a Recommendation Memorandum issued in September 2022 by CRCL about policies concerning behavior management of unaccompanied children in U.S. Border Patrol custody. CBP concurred with one of CRCL’s recommendations and partially concurred with two.

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Close Summary: Behavior Management of Unaccompanied Childre in U.S. Border Patrol Custody (June 20, 2023) PDF 228.73 KB 06/20/2023
Last Updated: 02/13/2025
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