DHS/ALL/PIA-015 DHS Web Portals | Homeland Security
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DHS/ALL/PIA-015 DHS Web Portals


Many Department of Homeland Security (DHS) operations and projects require collaboration and communication amongst affected stakeholders including employees, contractors, federal, state, local and tribal officials, as well as members of the public. One method of effectuating such collaboration is the establishment of an online “portal” allowing authorized users to obtain, post and exchange information, access common resources, and generally communicate with similarly situated and interested individuals. DHS has written this general privacy impact assessment (PIA) to document these informational and collaboration-based portals in operation at DHS and its components which collect, use, maintain, and share limited personally identifiable information (PII) about individuals who are “members” of the portal or who seek to gain access to the portal “potential members.”

Appendix updated June 2020

Associated SORN(s):

  • DHS/ALL-004 General Information Technology Access Account Records System (GITAARS)
Attachment Ext. Size Date
DHS/ALL/PIA-015 DHS Web Portals - Appendix Updated June 2020 PDF 249.77 KB 06/01/2020
Last Updated: 03/31/2023
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