The DHS Privacy Office is responsible for evaluating the Department programs, systems, and initiatives for potential privacy impacts, and providing strategies to reduce the privacy impact.
Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) Program
TSA published a joint Final Rule with the United States Coast Guard (Coast Guard) to implement a Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) program to provide a biometric credential that can be used to confirm the identity of workers in the national transportation system. TSA will conduct a security threat assessment and criminal history record check before issuing the credential.
Federal Flight Deck Officer Program (FFDO)
Under Federal Flight Deck Officer (FFDO) program, TSA deputizes qualified volunteer pilots and flight crewmembers of passenger and cargo aircraft as law enforcement officers to defend the flight deck of aircraft against acts of criminal violence or air piracy. TSA collects data on pilots to assess the qualification and suitability of prospective and current FFDOs through an online application, and to administer the program.
DHS/TSA/PIA 014 Crew Member Self Defense Training Program
DHS/TSA/PIA-014 Crew Member Self Defense Training Program
Tactical Information Sharing System Update (TISS)
The Tactical Information Sharing System (TISS) receives, assesses, and distributes intelligence information related to transportation security to Federal Air Marshals (FAMs) and other Federal, State, and local law enforcement. TISS applies to all transportation modes, not just aviation.
Screening of Passengers by Observation Techniques (SPOT) Program
The Screening of Passengers by Observation Techniques (SPOT) program is a behavior observation and analysis program designed to provide the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Behavior Detection Officers (BDOs) with a means of identifying persons who pose or may pose potential transportation security risks by focusing on behaviors indicative of high levels of stress, fear, or deception. The SPOT program is a derivative of other behavioral analysis programs that have been successfully employed by law enforcement and security personnel both in the U.S. and around the world. This PIA update reflects that TSA will pilot the use of BDOs as part of the security checkpoint process, by incorporating BDO interaction with passengers.
Large Aircraft Security Program (LASP)
TSA has issued a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) which would establish a security program called the, Aircraft Security Program (LASP) for the large aircraft operators and will require security threat assessments (STAs) for various categories of individuals Large. This Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is being conducted in conjunction with a the NPRM. The PIA will be updated to reflect any changes made prior to publication of the Final Rule. No information will be collected by TSA prior to publication of the Final Rule.
DHS/TSA/PIA-020 Airport Access for Aviation Workers
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) conducts security threat assessments on individuals working at airports. These include individuals seeking or holding authorized airport access or airport identification badges or credentials, as well as identification credentials or badges recognized by TSA under 49 CFR Parts 1542 and 1544, and non-traveling individuals requiring unescorted access to the sterile area of the airport. Additionally, Congress, through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act of 2018, directed TSA to establish a national centralized database containing the names of individuals who have had an airport and/or aircraft operator-issued credential or badge revoked for failure to comply with aviation security requirements. This Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) consolidates and supersedes earlier PIAs regarding aviation worker security threat assessments (STA) published in 2004, 2005, and 2008 and discusses the creation of the new national centralized database.
Stand-Off Detection (SPO)
TSA will deploy advanced explosives detection technology using passive millimeter wave (PMMW) screening technologies as part of the agency's efforts to ensure the safety of travelers. The objective is to identify individuals who may seek to detonate explosives in transportation facilities.
Maryland Three (MD-3) Airports
TSA conducts security threat assessments and fingerprint-based Criminal History Records Checks (CHRCs) on pilots who operate aircraft and apply for privileges to fly to or from the three General Aviation airports in the Washington, D.C. restricted flight zones (Potomac Airfield, Washington Executive/Hyde Field, and College Park Airport), otherwise known as the Maryland Three (MD-3) program, and for the Airport Security Coordinator (ASC) at a MD-3 airport.
DHS/TSA/PIA-023(a) - Personnel Futures Program (PFP)
DHS/TSA/PIA-023(a) - Personnel Futures Program (PFP)