DHS AI Leadership | Homeland Security
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DHS AI Leadership

DHS governance bodies and leadership ensure that the Department leans forward in deploying Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance operations and leads in the safe, secure, and responsible use of AI. The Department engages with experts across its agencies, mission-spaces, and disciplines to create a holistic approach to AI governance at DHS. 

DHS AI Governance Board

The DHS AI Governance Board coordinates and governs on issues related to the use of AI within DHS, including AI innovation and risk management.  The Board enables coordination among DHS officials responsible for AI adoption and risk management.  The Board also provides strategic direction for the Department’s ongoing engagement with external stakeholders on AI use at DHS and related topics. 

DHS Chief AI Officer 

The DHS Chief AI Officer promotes AI innovation and responsible use within the Department. This role involves advising the Secretary and Department leadership on AI strategy and risks. The DHS Chief AI Officer also leads the DHS AI Council and collaborates with DHS Offices, Components, and governance groups to oversee the Department’s use of AI. 

The DHS Chief Technology Officer (CTO) serves as the DHS Chief AI Officer.  The DHS CTO is within the Office of the Chief Information Officer. DHS appointed its first Chief AI Officer September 2023.

DHS AI Council

The DHS AI Council supports the DHS AI Governance Board and the DHS Chief AI Officer in promoting AI innovation and managing governance and risks in AI use at DHS. The Council ensures that use of AI at DHS is safe, secure, responsible, trustworthy, and human-centered. The DHS Chief AI Officer leads the Council and use it to issue and update AI policy. The Council also coordinates its efforts with the DHS Chief Information Officer Council and other DHS governance groups.

Last Updated: 02/14/2025
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