Community Engagement | Homeland Security
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Community Engagement

Public engagement with diverse communities whose civil rights may be affected by Department activities is a priority for the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL). Our Community Engagement Section responds to community concerns and provides information on Department programs, activities, and issues. Our goal is to:

  • Communicate reliable information about federal programs and policies, including avenues for redress and complaints;
  • Obtain feedback about community concerns and on-the-ground impacts of Department activities, in order to incorporate into the policymaking process community ideas and issues relating to civil rights and civil liberties; and
  • Deepen channels of communication between communities and federal officials in order to facilitate solution of problems.

CRCL facilitates a range of engagements that include interagency roundtables, community meetings, civil society stakeholder listening sessions, and public townhalls – all of which are designed to promote inclusive, policy-oriented, and solution-focused dialogue with diverse communities who feel their civil rights or civil liberties may be affected by DHS activities. These engagements regularly involve community and faith-based leaders and federal, state, and local government officials. In recent years, CRCL has regularly convened engagements with stakeholders in numerous cities across the country.

Last Updated: 12/01/2023
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