DHS/ALL/PIA-037 DHS SharePoint and Collaboration Sites | Homeland Security
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DHS/ALL/PIA-037 DHS SharePoint and Collaboration Sites


DHS is developing SharePoint as a Service (SharePoint), which will be an enterprise offering available to all organizations within the Department. This platform will serve as an enterprise collaboration and communication solution, eliminating additional investments in duplicative collaborative technologies, leveraging economies of scale, and connecting separate organizations through the use of the same platform in an integrated environment. DHS is conducting this Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) because personally identifiable information (PII) may be collected and stored in the SharePoint environment. This PIA sets out the minimum standard for SharePoint privacy and security requirements; DHS components may build more detailed controls and technical enhancements into their respective sites.

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DHS/ALL/PIA-037 DHS SharePoint and Collaboration Sites PDF 193.79 KB
Last Updated: 03/31/2023
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