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  3. Internal Directives Strategy and Doctrinal Products Collection

Internal Directives Strategy and Doctrinal Products Collection

Selected internal directives, strategic planning and budget documents, and similar documents.

  • Security Information and Reference Materials

    Information on policies, procedures, and general reference information related to security programs at DHS. This information is provided to aid DHS’s industry partners, as well as the general public, in navigating the security landscape when doing business with or applying for employment with DHS.

  • Letter of Intent in Furtherance of Cooperation with El Salvador

    On Wednesday, Aug. 28, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin K. McAleenan signed a Letter of Intent with the Salvadoran Minister of Justice and Security Rogelio Rivas to intensify bilateral cooperation in four areas to address irregular migration from Central America and combat transnational criminal organizations.

  • Department of Homeland Security's Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2020-2024

    The DHS Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2020-2024 articulates the Department’s missions and goals, the strategies we employ to achieve each goal, and long-term performance measures that we use to evaluate our progress.

  • Memorandum on Ethical Behavior

    On April 22, 2019, Acting Secretary Kevin McAleenan signed a new Memorandum on Ethical Behavior emphasizing that all DHS employees must hold themselves to the highest standards of honor, integrity, and ethics. To avoid even the appearance of impropriety, the memo encourages employees to conserve and protect government resources, act with impartiality, avoid acting when private interests conflict with official duties, consider declining gifts even when they may be accepted, and to report fraud, waste, and abuse whenever it is detected.

  • Blue Campaign Fiscal Year 2017 Strategic Action Plan

    Read how Blue Campaign and the federal government are working to support victims of human trafficking.

  • Resignation Letter of Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen M. Nielsen

    On April 7, 2019, Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen M. Nielsen offered her resignation to President Trump.

  • Annual Performance Report for Fiscal Years 2018–2020

    The Department of Homeland Security's Performance and Accountability Reports provide information that enables the President, Congress and the public to assess the effectiveness of the Department's mission performance and stewardship of resources.  The following is the Performance and Accountability Report for Fiscal Years 2018–2020.

  • Congressional Budget Justification FY 2020

    Congressional Budget Justification FY 2020

  • FY 2020 Budget-in-Brief

    The President’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Budget Request for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reflects our continued commitment to the security of our homeland and the American public.

  • DHS Information Technology Strategic Plan 2019-2023

    The DHS Information Technology Strategic Plan 2019-2023 sets the Information Technology (IT) goals and strategies for fulfilling the mission of DHS.  It focuses on rebuilding foundations and driving innovation. With a mind to the future, it has been developed to address both the current state and our technological ambitions.