Reports Collection
Official documents released by the department after investigating or researching a given topic.
Informe Anual 2013 de la Oficina del Ombudsman de Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración
Read the Spanish version of the 2013 Annual Report to Congress.
21st Century Border: 2013 Action Items and Progress Report
21st Century Border: 2013 Action Items and Progress Report
DPIAC Recommendations Paper 2013-01
This Digital Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee (DPIAC) Recommendations Paper 2013-01, September 12, 2013, sets forth recommendations for DHS to consider when considering the use of live data in research, testing or training, and for specific privacy protections DHS can consider when that live data includes personally identifiable information.
DHS Data Center Consolidation
DHS created a program to collocate and consolidate the numerous computing facilities currently supporting each of the DHS Components to improve efficiency.
DHS/USCIS/PIA-050-Standard Management Analysis Reporting Tool (SMART)
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) developed the Standard Management Analysis Reporting Tool (SMART) to create and compile reports pertaining to immigrant and nonimmigrant benefits. SMART creates reports by temporarily retrieving information from USCIS source systems, which have either aggregate or individual data. USCIS conducted this Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) to discuss the privacy risks and mitigations associated with replicating and temporarily retaining personally identifiable information (PII) in SMART to create reports.
DHS/FEMA/PIA-030, FEMA Smartphone Application with Disaster Reporter Feature
DHS/FEMA/PIA-030, FEMA Smartphone Application with Disaster Reporter Feature
Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Completed Impact Assessments and Related Documents
Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Completed Impact Assessments and Related Documents
2012 National Network of Fusion Centers Final Report
The 2012 National Network of Fusion Centers Final Report summarizes and characterizes the overall capabilities and performance of the National Network.
NBAF Environmental Impact Statement Support Documents
The Environmental Impact Statement used excerpts and summaries from the following documents to support making a final site decision:
Executive Summary of 2013 Annual Report to Congress
The Office of the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman’s 2013 Annual Report contains:
- An overview of the Ombudsman’s mission and services;
- A review of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) programmatic and policy achievements during this reporting period; and
- A detailed discussion of pervasive and serious problems, recommendations, and best practices in the humanitarian, family, and employment areas, and in customer service and Transformation.