Science and Technology Collection
The DHS Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) is the Department’s primary research and development arm and manages science and technology research, from development through transition, for the Department's operational components and first responders.
Test Results for Binary Image JTAG, Chip-Off Decoding and Analysis Tool
The following are CFTT reports for write-protected drives (organized by publication date). The DHS Science and Technology Directorate funded these reports.
Interworking Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT) between Long Term Evolution (LTE) and Land Mobile Radio (LMR) Report
(DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T), under its Small Business Innovation and Research program, funded Catalyst Communications Technologies to examine the feasibility of developing a standards-based interworking solution that would enable communications between Land Mobile Radio (LMR) and Long Term Evolution (LTE) systems; and communications between different LMR systems.
QuickRoute Operational Field Assessment Report
S&T is working with Azimuth1, LLC to develop QuickRoute, a routing system for emergency vehicles that accounts for a variety challenges, including inclement weather, road conditions, vehicle characteristics and department-level protocols for handling vehicle usage. The technology will ensure emergency vehicles have priority traffic in all areas of travel while responding to a call.
Test Results for Write-Protected Drive
The following are CFTT reports for write-protected drives (organized by publication date). The DHS Science and Technology Directorate funded these reports.
DHS S&T First Responders Capability Gaps for FY 2018-2019
The capability gaps or Statements of Objectives (SOO) developed as a result of these meetings help determine how S&T engages with business, industry, innovation and academia partners, and ultimately how S&T provides first responders the tools they need to protect communities and stay safe while performing their duties.
Explosive Threat Mitigation Unit (TMU): Portable, Cost-Effective, Blast Mitigation for Small IED Threats Fact Sheet
The objective of the TMU project is to provide the DHS customer with safe, secured storage of items obtained from visitors passing through a security checkpoint in the event that an item contains an explosive-based threat.
S&T Impact: Aviation Security
Science and Technology (S&T) impact document on aviation security, highlighting areas like detection, mitigation, and prevention.
First Aid for Severe Trauma Training (FAST) Fact Sheet
The First Aid for Severe Trauma (FAST) training program will provide no-cost trauma training for high school students through the American Red Cross.
Urban Operational Experimentation (OpEx) Fact Sheet and Video
Urban Operational Experimentation (OpEx) Hosted by the National Urban Security Technology Laboratory Fact Sheet and Video