Science and Technology Collection
The DHS Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) is the Department’s primary research and development arm and manages science and technology research, from development through transition, for the Department's operational components and first responders.
Coastal Resilience Center (CRC) Fact Sheet
The CRC conducts research and education to enhance the resilience of people, infrastructure, economies, and the natural environment from the impacts of coastal hazards such as floods and hurricanes.
National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) Fact Sheet and Video
START advances science-based knowledge about the causes and consequences of terrorism, and the effectiveness and consequences of responses to terrorism.
The Center for Awareness and Localization of Explosives-Related Threats (ALERT) Fact Sheet
ALERT conducts transformational research, technology, and educational development to characterize, detect, mitigate, and respond to explosives-related threats facing the country and the world.
Less Lethal Technologies for Law Enforcement
Less lethal technology devices are designed to be less likely to cause death when deployed than conventional weapons like firearms, and are used by law enforcement in two primary situations: crowd control and one-on-one suspect apprehension. For each of these situations, technology subcategories exist based on the modalities of the technology, such as chemical, kinetic and conducted energy.
Testing Results for Windows Registry Forensic Tool
The following are CFTT reports for Windows registry forensic tools (organized by publication date).
Borders, Trade, and Immigration (BTI) Institute Fact Sheet
BTI’s mission is to enhance the Nation’s ability to secure its borders, facilitate legitimate trade and travel, and ensure the integrity of the immigration system.
CAB ISSI/CSSI Interoperability Testing Requirements and SDOC
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) continues its efforts to streamline the Supplier’s Declaration of Compliance (SDOC) and Summary Test Report (STR) templates in an effort to make P25 CAP documentation more useful to end users, as well as reduce the burden on manufacturers and P25 CAP recognized laboratories. DHS will now open a public comment period to review the P25 Compliance Assessment Bulletin (CAB) addressing Baseline Inter-RF Sub-System Interface and Console Sub-System Interface Interoperability Testing Requirements, as well as the latest version of the SDOC template.
CAB Testing Rules
DHS is opening a public comment period to review the P25 Compliance Assessment Bulletin (CAB) addressing Testing Rules. DHS S&T has issued multiple P25 CAP Common Air Interface (CAI) Testing Requirements CABs that address communication equipment’s performance, conformance and interoperability.
Center for Accelerating Operational Efficiency (CAOE) Fact Sheet
CAOE develops and applies advanced analytical tools and technologies to enhance planning and real-time decision-making in homeland security operations.
Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE) Fact Sheet
CREATE’s mission is to improve the Nation’s security through the development of advanced models and tools for the evaluation of the risks, costs, and consequences of terrorism and to guide economically viable investments in homeland security.