The Publication Library contains guidance and policy papers, reports, strategies, program regulations, guidelines, brochures and more.
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Master Question List for Yersinia Pestis
The following Master Question List was developed by DHS S&T to provide government decision makers with up-to-date information to government decision makers regarding Yersinia pestis, the causative agent for Plague.
Aircraft Systems
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) employs several types of aircraft, including manned helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft, and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for border surveillance and law enforcement purposes. These aircraft may be equipped with video, radar, and sensor technologies to assist CBP in patrolling the border, conducting surveillance for law enforcement investigations or tactical operations, or gathering data to assist in disaster relief and emergency response.
Native Communities Awareness Poster Series
These posters were created to raise awareness of human trafficking among Native communities. Informed by Native survivors of human trafficking, the series uses culturally-relevant images and messages. Organizations working to reach Native communities with information about human trafficking can display these posters in locations like schools, community centers, and offices.
P25 CAB Lab Base Req
This Compliance Assessment Bulletin identifies accreditation and recognition requirements for becoming a DHS-recognized laboratory for P25 CAP testing.
P25 CAB Lab Eqp Req
This Compliance Assessment Bulletin identifies several basic personnel, facility and test tool requirements for becoming a DHS-recognized laboratory for P25 CAP testing.
CVE Diversion Program – Assessment Tools to Support Secondary and Tertiary Intervention for Violent Extremism Report
Countering Violent Extremism: Diversion Program—Assessment Tools to Support Secondary and Tertiary Intervention for Violent Extremism Report
P25 CAB AB Auth Agreement
This Compliance Assessment Bulletin identifies conditions and criteria for DHS authorization of accreditation bodies to provide accreditation to P25 CAP laboratories.
P25 CAB Lab Rec Agreement
This Compliance Assessment Bulletin identifies conditions and criteria for DHS recognition of accredited P25 CAP laboratories.
P25 CAB Min Feature Req
This Compliance Assessment Bulletin defines the minimum interoperability features and capabilities that are required for P25 subscriber and repeater equipment that are capable of conventional operation to be eligible to be considered P25 CAP compliant.
P25 CAB Enc Req
This Compliance Assessment Bulletin addresses DHS taking action to stop the practice of manufacturers provided subscriber units with a non-P25 standard encryption without also including P25 standard AES 256 encryption. DHS also asks that manufacturers provide a path for public safety users to add AES 256 to fielded P25 subscriber units that are only equipped with non-P25 standard encryption.