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Publications Library

The Publication Library contains guidance and policy papers, reports, strategies, program regulations, guidelines, brochures and more.

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  • DHS/ALL/PIA-068 Insider Threat Reporting Mobile Platform

    The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Insider Threat Program (ITP) was established as a department-wide effort to manage insider threat matters within DHS. In January 2017, the Secretary of Homeland Security expanded the DHS ITP beyond the protection of classified systems and information to include all threats to the Department posed by individuals who have or had authorized access to DHS facilities, information, equipment, networks, or systems. The DHS ITP is submitting this Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) for the Department Headquarters (HQ) pilot and initial operational capability of the LiveSafe Platform. The LiveSafe Platform is a mobile application that will allow DHS mobile phone holders to use their DHS-issued mobile phone to report tips to the DHS ITP. The enterprise platform enables two-way, real-time interactions via location tagged text1 and phone communications, as well as a scalable mass notification service. All tips go to a dashboard that is reviewed by the ITP for determination of further action. The application requires user personally identifiable information (PII) to establish an account and maintains communications that are made through the program.

  • S&T News Extraction from Public Data Feeds for First Responders Fact Sheet

    The News Extraction from Public Data Feeds for First Responders project seeks to develop a data-sifting social media ingestion system to help responders gain improved situational awareness without requiring large amounts of human attention.

  • 2019 Winter RTTX Host Institution Specifications Document

    The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is now seeking a partner college or university to serve as the host institution for the winter 2019 RTTX, anticipated to be held in February of 2019. Final event date will be dependent on the selected host institution's schedule and availability. 

  • Expert Recommendations Memo for Onsite Investigation at LaSalle Detention Facility in Jena, Louisiana

    CRCL conducted an onsite investigation into conditions of detention for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainees at the LaSalle Detention Facility in Jena, Louisiana. CRCL's review of the facility focused in large part on operations in the areas of suicide prevention; medical care; and conditions of confinement. On August 21, 2017, CRCL issued an initial expert recommendation memorandum for this facility. Following this, CRCL issued this supplemental expert recommendation memorandum (below), which focuses on findings regarding four detainee deaths that occurred at the facility between January 23, 2016 and March 13, 2017. CRCL received and reviewed the relevant documents related to these deaths after an onsite investigation concluded on March 17, 2017.  Thus, these findings and recommendations were not included in the initial expert recommendations memorandum. 

  • S&T HSOAC Fact Sheet

    The purpose of HSOAC is to help the Department address analytic, operational, and policy challenges in its mission areas and across the homeland security environment. HSAOC provides high-quality objective research and analysis and actionable recommendations as well as candid advice. These services are delivered through full studies, rapid-response work, and embedded analysts.

  • S&T P25 CAP Certification Mark Usage Guidelines

    S&T developed certification marks to underscore the process leading to the identification of P25 CAP compliant radios. Only properly certified recognized laboratories and accrediting bodies are entitled to use the P25 CAP certification mark upon execution of a licensing agreement with DHS.

  • Supplemental Expert Recommendation Memo to ICE Concerning LaSalle Detention Facility

    CRCL conducted an investigation into conditions of detention for ICE detainees at the LaSalle Detention Facility.  CRCL's review focused in large part on operations in the areas of suicide prevention, medical care, and confinement.  This supplemental memorandum focuses on findings regarding four detainee deaths that occurred at the LaSalle Detention Facility between January 23, 2016 and March 13, 2017. 

  • S&T Digital Volunteer Program Guide Fact Sheet

    To support agencies that are looking to launch and maximize the benefits of a digital volunteer program, S&T developed a Digital Volunteer Program Guide.

  • National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin - September 14, 2018 - Translations

    On September 14, 2018, Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen M. Nielsen issued a National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin. The following are versions of the Bulletin translated into various languages.

  • Recommendations Memo Concerning Searches of Transgender Individuals

    The purpose of this memorandum is to provide recommendations to update the CBP Office of Field Operations Personal Search Handbook and issue a muster instructing officers on the appropriate way to search transgender individuals consistent with the 2015 National Standards on Transport, Escort, Detention, and Search (TEDS).

Last Updated: 01/28/2022