Threat Evaluation and Reporting Course Training Suite | Homeland Security
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Threat Evaluation and Reporting Course Training Suite

Threat Evaluation and Reporting Course Training Suite

The National Threat Evaluation and Reporting (NTER) Master Trainer Program certifies Federal, State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial partners in the instruction of Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management best practices and techniques. Homeland security partners across the country are empowered through the Master Trainer Program to teach the Threat Evaluation and Reporting Course Training Suite to a variety of customers in their areas of responsibility.

This training suite is provided exclusively by Certified Master Trainers and empowers homeland security partners to recognize the warning signs of terrorism and targeted violence, triage suspicious activity reporting, and address threatening or concerning behaviors before an individual escalates to violence.

Course Title

Course Length

Intended Audiences

Threat Evaluation and Reporting Overview3-hourThe public and other community members who play a role in identifying threats or observable behaviors that may concern others.
Basic Threat Evaluation and Reporting Course1-dayMulti-disciplinary Federal, State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial partners, to include those involved in homeland security, law enforcement, emergency management, education, healthcare, legal, and public safety or security.

Threat Evaluation and Reporting Course

3-dayMulti-disciplinary Federal, State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial partners and practitioners to include those involved in homeland security, law enforcement, emergency management, education, healthcare, legal, and public safety or security.


  • Interested in becoming a NTER Certified Master Trainer? Looking to train your community?

Last Updated: 03/20/2025
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