Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) | Homeland Security
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Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD)

The HIFLD program provides high-quality geospatial data and tools for planners, analysts, and others throughout the homeland security enterprise (HSE).

HIFLD supports our nation’s most essential missions – including law enforcement, border protection, emergency management, critical infrastructure protection, and national operations and data fusion centers.

GMO manages HIFLD in partnership with representatives from agencies whose missions depend on reliable access to current, high-quality geospatial data. The office gathers use cases from across the HSE to inform selection and prioritization of new data sets, layers, attributes, and coverage, as well as platform enhancements.

Open and Secure Repositories

To effectively serve public domain users and those whose missions require access to sensitive and licensed geospatial data, HIFLD is housed in two separate repositories.

  • HIFLD Open is a publicly available resource with more than 500 data layers. This repository contains public domain data hosted on the Department of the Interior’s GeoPlatform.
  • HIFLD Secure contains commercially licensed and FOUO (for official use only) data housed on the DHS Geospatial Information Infrastructure. Access is subject to a Data Use Agreement and restricted to HSE mission partners.

The HIFLD Catalog

The HIFLD Catalog lists the best available geospatial data – including comprehensive metadata – for all critical infrastructure sectors at the national level.

Users can download or access data via web services to support application development, analysis, and data visualization.

Learn more and browse the HIFLD Catalog.

HIFLD User Community

As part of its commitment to fostering geospatial tradecraft across the HSE, GMO manages a community for active users of HIFLD Open and Secure. This includes an annual forum featuring presentations from data providers, as well as agencies and organizations that use HIFLD in support of homeland security and national preparedness missions.

Join the HIFLD Community.

Last Updated: 12/13/2024
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