The Department of Homeland Security's Headquarters Office of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) offers guidance on how Department Headquarters managers and supervisors can facilitate the Department’s support of Headquarters’ employees with disabilities and related recruiting initiatives.
We are available to
- Assist managers, employees and applicants who have questions concerning employment opportunities for people with disabilities, including veterans with disabilities.
- Provide information regarding specific Department Headquarters EEO programs such as the Reasonable Accommodation Program and the Computer/Electronic Accommodation Program (CAP).
- Provide disability awareness training to meet your specific needs and requirements.
For more information regarding DHS Headquarters EEO disability related programs, e-mail or call 202-357-1204.
The Department's Headquarters Office of EEO announces the latest job openings every week via e-mail to more than 1,000 individuals, academic institutions, associations, and organizations nationwide. We also share these job announcements with campus disability coordinators throughout the nation, all independent living centers and state rehabilitation offices, bar associations, Tribal colleges, Hispanic serving institutions, and historically black colleges and universities, among other diverse institutions.
- Office of Disability Employment Policy (
- Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
- U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy
- Office of Personnel Management, Federal Employment of People with Disabilities
- Disability Emergency Preparedness Information
- EEOC Final Report on Best Practices for the Employment of People with Disabilities in State Government
- Questions and Answers about Blindness and Vision Impairments in the Workplace and the Americans with Disabilities Act is for Department of Homeland Security Headquarters and Office of the Inspector General Employees only; please bookmark for future reference.