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  3. Brochures Collection

Brochures Collection

Publications with images and pictures that gives information about a particular issue or topic.

  • What is the Blue Campaign?

    Blue Campaign informational tri-fold brochure outlining the efforts of the Department of Homeland Security's efforts to combat human trafficking.

  • Virtual Corporate Security Engagement Series (CSES)

    Virtual Corporate Security Engagement Series (CSES) One Pager

  • U and T Visa Law Enforcement Resources

    The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has developed resources for Federal, state, local, tribal and territorial law enforcement officers concerning law enforcement certifications for the U and T nonimmigrant status, also known as the U and T visas.

  • Victim Notification Program

    Information on ICE's Victim Notification Program, which notifies human trafficking victims of offenders' release status.