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CRCL Recommendation and Investigation Memos Collection

The DHS Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties reviews and investigates civil rights and civil liberties complaints and alleged abuses filed by the public regarding DHS policies and activities. The investigations involve a range of alleged abuses, including violation of rights while in immigration detention. CRCL issues recommendations to the relevant DHS Component aimed at addressing any civil rights or civil liberties concerns identified as part of its investigation. Redacted memos and other documents related to these investigations are included in this library.

  • Retention Memo for Onsite Investigation at the Denver Contract Detention Facility in Aurora, Colorado

    CRCL conducted an onsite investigation related to complaints alleging that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) violated the civil rights or civil liberties of individuals held in custody at the Denver Contract Detention Facility in Aurora, Colorado. CRCL found significant concerns at the facility, and, following the onsite, CRCL issued 37 recommendations in November 2018 in the areas of medical and mental health care, suicide prevention and intervention, and conditions of detention.

  • Retention Memo for Onsite Investigation at Immigration Centers of America in Farmville, Virginia

    CRCL received allegations that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) violated the civil rights and civil liberties of detainees at the Immigration Centers of America in Farmville, Virginia. The allegations raised issues regarding conditions of detention, medical and mental health care, suicide prevention and intervention, sexual abuse and assault prevention and intervention, and environmental health and safety.

  • Retention Memo to ICE for CRCL Investigation Concerning Implementation of ICE's Sexual Abuse and Assault Prevention and Intervention Program

    Since its inception, CRCL has investigated sexual abuse allegations and recommended improvement in policies designed to protect individuals from sexual abuse while in DHS custody. In March 2014, DHS issued a final rule, Standards to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Sexual as Abuse it applies and Assault (DHS PREA Standards), implementing PREA to DHS in confinement facilities. Since 2014, ICE has been actively engaged in implementing the specific requirements in the DHS PREA Standards, and CRCL has worked with ICE as part of that process. With the passing of the fifth anniversary of the DHS PREA Standards, CRCL conducted a periodic review of ICE's Sexual Abuse and Assault Prevention and Intervention Program with a particular focus on how ICE Headquarters has established and implemented the requirements in the DHS PREA Standards. 

  • Retention Memo for Onsite Investigation at Pine Prairie Detention Center in Pine Prairie, Louisiana

    CRCL received a complaint alleging abuses of the civil rights and civil liberties of individuals in the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at the Pine Prairie Detention Center in Pine Prairie, Louisiana. CRCL reviewed several incidents where detainees expressed concern with general conditions at the facility resulting in wide-spread grievances in the areas of due process, discrimination based on national origin, and denial of recreation. More specifically, complaints involved allegations related to: quarantine and exposure to airborne illnesses resulting in denial of recreation,  violations of due process rights, national origin discrimination, prolonged segregation, physical, verbal, and mental abuse, and denial of legal access.

  • Retention Memo for Onsite Investigation at Richwood Correctional Center in Richwood, Louisiana

    CRCL opened complaints alleging abuses of the civil rights and civil liberties of individuals in the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement at the Richwood Correctional Center in Richwood, Louisiana. The allegations raised and reviewed involved medical and mental health care, conditions of confinement, suicide prevention, detainee safety, segregation, the grievance system, and environmental health and safety.

  • Retention Memo for Onsite Investigation at Yuma Border Patrol Station in Yuma, Arizona

    CRCL opened complaints alleging that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) violated the civil rights and civil liberties of detainees at the Yuma Border Patrol Station, to include temporary soft-sided facilities that were constructed in June 2019 to address the influx, and the San Luis Port of Entry (POE) in Yuma, Arizona. The allegations included: inferior hold room conditions, such as inadequate food, drink, temperature control and bedding; lack of personal hygiene items; insufficient health screening and medical care; inappropriate family separation; inadequate record-keeping; inadequate telephone access; verbal and physical abuse; excessive time in custody; failure to return personal property upon departure from the CBP facility; and failure to provide reasonable accommodations to disabled persons at the POE.

  • Expert Recommendations Memo for Onsite Investigation at York County Prison in York, Pennsylvania

    CRCL conducted an onsite investigation into conditions of detention for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainees at the York County Prison in York, Pennsylvania on July 29-31, 2019. This onsite was in response to civil rights allegations received by CRCL regarding medical and mental health care at the facility, and general conditions of detention.

  • Close Memo for Onsite Investigation at Folkston County Processing Center in Folkston, Georgia

    CRCL conducted an investigation into conditions of detention for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainees at the Folkston Processing Center in Folkston, Georgia. CRCL’s onsite investigation occurred August 7-8, 2018, and was in response to allegations received alleging civil rights and civil liberties violations of general conditions of detention and inadequate medical care of detainees at the facility.

  • Close Memo for Onsite Investigation at Coastal Bend Detention Center, Robstown, Texas

    CRCL conducted an investigation into the conditions of detention for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainees at the Coastal Bend Detention Center in Robstown, Texas. Additionally, this memorandum serves to notify ICE that, following a collaborative process, CRCL considers the issues identified by the experts to be closed.

  • Retention Memo to CBP for CRCL Investigation Questioning Advocates and Journalists at Ports of Entry

    CRCL opened complaints alleging that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) violated civil rights or civil liberties by targeting and harassing human rights advocates and journalists at the Lukeville, Arizona and San Ysidro, California ports of entry, respectively.