Science and Technology Collection
The DHS Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) is the Department’s primary research and development arm and manages science and technology research, from development through transition, for the Department's operational components and first responders.
Multifunctional Textiles for Advanced Personal Protective Equipment Report
First responders commonly enter situations with unknown threats wearing only duty uniforms. These uniforms offer little to no protection against atypical threats, causing the first responders to be exposed to unnecessary hazards. Multi-threat Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for first responders, capable of withstanding chemical/biological, fire, stab and blast hazards, either do not exist in one garment or are bulky and unable to be worn at all times.
News Extraction from Public Data Feeds for First Responders Fact Sheet
The News Extraction from Public Data Feeds for First Responders project seeks to develop a data-sifting social media ingestion system to help responders gain improved situational awareness without requiring large amounts of human attention.
Homeland Security Operations and Analysis Center (HSOAC) Fact Sheet
The purpose of HSOAC is to help the Department address analytic, operational, and policy challenges in its mission areas and across the homeland security environment. HSAOC provides high-quality objective research and analysis and actionable recommendations as well as candid advice. These services are delivered through full studies, rapid-response work, and embedded analysts.
P25 CAP Certification Mark Usage Guidelines
S&T developed certification marks to underscore the process leading to the identification of P25 CAP compliant radios. Only properly certified recognized laboratories and accrediting bodies are entitled to use the P25 CAP certification mark upon execution of a licensing agreement with DHS.
Digital Volunteer Program Guide Fact Sheet
To support agencies that are looking to launch and maximize the benefits of a digital volunteer program, S&T developed a Digital Volunteer Program Guide.
S&T Impact: Disaster Resilience
S&T helps improve community resilience to natural disasters through technology and tools that support planning, decision making and mitigation efforts.
Terrorism Prevention Literature Dashboard BIB File
DHS S&T developed a comprehensive and publicly available literature review and ontology dashboard to organize TVTP literature. This new capability streamlines the ability for end users and practitioners to access peer-reviewed and methodologically sound research products to develop an evidence base in the field of terrorism prevention for what works, what doesn't, and why.
Behavior Detection Visual Search Task Analysis Project Visual Search Battery Report
Approximately 1.2 million people fly within the United States every day. To keep these passengers safe, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) employs a multilayer security system to ensure that the traveling public and the nation’s transportation systems are protected. The Behavior Detection (BD) program serves an essential function in this multilayered security approach. Unique from other security capabilities within the TSA security system, the BD program, which was previously reserved for Behavior Detection Officers (BDOs) but is now comprised of Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) as well, trains officers to identify anomalous behaviors by observing passengers and comparing what they see to an established behavioral baseline. The goal of the program is to identify high-risk travelers and subject them to additional screening. This report describes the results of an empirical study that addressed these research goals and furthered DHS S&T’s understanding of the visual search process required for successful BD performance.
Activation of Body-Worn Cameras without Responder Manipulation Operational Field Assessment Report
Hitron Technologies Inc. (Hitron) developed the body-worn camera prototypes that were assessed during this operational field assessment (OFA) to address these limitations for U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate’s (S&T) First Responder Technologies Division (R-Tech).
System of Systems Operational Analysis: Strengthening Analytics for Quality Decision Making Fact Sheet
DHS Components have data – they need insight. SoSOA enhances analytic efficiency.