Science and Technology Collection
The DHS Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) is the Department’s primary research and development arm and manages science and technology research, from development through transition, for the Department's operational components and first responders.
Project 25 Steering Committee Bylaws
This document provides the makeup and functions of the P25 Steering Committee.
Setting Standards for Drones in the First Responder Community Fact Sheet
The UAS industry is expected to pass $80 billion in spending in the next decade. S&T coordinates tests and operational standards so first responders can make the best UAS acquisitions decisions.
P25 Recognized Lab - Compliance Testing, LLC dba Flom Test Lab
P25 Recognized Lab Compliance Testing, LLC dba Flom Test Lab scope of recognition.
Terrorist Attacks in the U.S Between 1970 and 2013: Data from the Global Terrorism Database
START’s Global Terrorism Database (GTD) contains information on more than 125,000 domestic and international terrorist attacks that occurred between 1970 and 2013. Collectively, these attacks have resulted in more than 266,000 deaths and more than 354,000 injuries. This research highlight focuses on the terrorist attacks that occurred in the United States between 1970 and 2013.
P25 CAP Phase 1 Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) and Phase 2 Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) Table
The testing requirements for Phase 1 FDMA and Phase 2 TDMA radio equipment table can be found below. (DHS S&T)
30 Day Public Comment Period for Revised Suppliers’ Declaration of Compliance (SDOC) Templates
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Office for Interoperability and Compatibility (OIC) continues its efforts to streamline the Suppliers’ Declaration of Compliance (SDOC) and Summary Test Report (STR) templates in an effort to make P25 CAP documentation more useful to end users as well as reduce the burden on manufacturers and P25 CAP recognized laboratories. The latest versions of the SDOC templates can be found below.
Project 25 (P25) Compliance Assessment Program (CAP) TIA Briefing
The Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program (CAP) is a part of DHS Science and Technology Directorate (S&T).
The following is the P25 CAP briefing for the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) presented at the February 2018 Compliance Assessment Process & Procedures Task Group (CAPPTG) meeting.
Air Based Technologies Fact Sheet
The Air Based Technologies program is a multi-year effort within the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate that will improve the homeland security community’s awareness, understanding and utilization of airborne sensor systems and platforms for border security and public safety missions.
Arctic Communications and Technologies Fact Sheet
The Arctic Communications and Technologies program is a multi-year effort within the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate that will identify and evaluate appropriate terrestrial and space-based solutions to extend and enable U.S. Coast Guard operations in the Arctic.