The DHS Privacy Office is responsible for evaluating the Department programs, systems, and initiatives for potential privacy impacts, and providing strategies to reduce the privacy impact.
Advanced Imaging Technology Documents
Advanced Imaging Technology Documents
ADVISE Report, Review of the Analysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight and Semantic Enhancement (ADVISE) Program including recommendations.
Beyond the Border Action Plan: Statement of Privacy Principles by the United States and Canada
The United States and Canada set forth the following Statement of Privacy Principles concerning the provision, receipt and use of personal information exchanged by the United States and Canada pursuant to any BTB information sharing arrangements and initiatives.
CCTV: Developing Best Practices, Report on the DHS Privacy Office Public Workshop
The CCTV: Developing Best Practices, Report on the DHS Privacy Office Public Workshop summarizes the CCTV workshop panels and resources to help identify and address privacy concerns, including Best Practices for Government Use of CCTV (Appendix B); Template for Privacy Impact Assessment for the Use of CCTV by DHS Program (Appendix C); Template for Privacy Impact Assessment for the Use of CCTV by State and Local Entities (Appendix D); and Template for Civil Liberties Impact Assessments (CLIA) (Appendix E).
Chief FOIA Officer Guidance Memoranda
Contains memoranda from the Chief FOIA Officer pertaining to FOIA guidance and operations at DHS.
Chief Privacy Officer Investigations Instruction 047-01-002
Chief Privacy Officer Investigations Instruction 047-01-002
Computer Matching Agreement Activity Reports
At the end of each calendar year, the Data Integrity Board of each agency that has participated in a computer matching program during the year shall conduct a review of the year's matching programs and submit a report to the head of the agency and to the Office of Management and Budget.
Computer Matching Agreements and the Data Integrity Board Instruction 262-01-001
Computer Matching Agreements and the Data Integrity Board Policy Instruction 262-01-001, revision 01 dated April 13, 2018.
Computer Matching Agreements and the Data Integrity Board Directive 262-01
Computer Matching Agreements and the Data Integrity Board Directive 262-01
DHS FOIA Monthly Reports FY15
Data contained in the DHS FOIA Monthly reports is considered draft and is publicly posted as a matter of administrative discretion.