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  3. CRCL Recommendation and Investigation Memos Collection

CRCL Recommendation and Investigation Memos Collection

The DHS Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties reviews and investigates civil rights and civil liberties complaints and alleged abuses filed by the public regarding DHS policies and activities. The investigations involve a range of alleged abuses, including violation of rights while in immigration detention. CRCL issues recommendations to the relevant DHS Component aimed at addressing any civil rights or civil liberties concerns identified as part of its investigation. Redacted memos and other documents related to these investigations are included in this library.

  • Summary of CRCL Recommendation Memo and CBP's Response: U.S. Citizenship Verification

    In December 2016, CRCL received a complaint regarding a 15-year-old girl apprehended by U.S. Border Patrol (USBP). The minor, who did not possess a passport, claimed to USBP that she was a U.S. citizen.

  • Summary of CRCL Recommendation Memo and ICE's Response: Investigation of Irwin County Detention Center

    In 2018 and 2021, CRCL received a significant number of allegations concerning medical care at Irwin. CRCL scheduled an onsite investigation at Irwin for June 2021; however, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced in May 2021 that ICE would discontinue the use of Irwin. As a result, CRCL canceled its onsite investigation.

  • Summary of CRCL Recommendation Memo and ICE's Response: Use of Facial Recognition Databases

    In February 2020, CRCL opened a complaint based on a Washington Post article that reported that ICE had conducted facial-recognition searches on millions of driver’s license photos in a Maryland database without receiving approval from either the state or a court.

  • Recommendation Memo to ICE Concerning Seneca County Jail

    CRCL conducted an investigation into conditions of detention for ICE noncitizens at the Seneca County Jail (Seneca) in Tiffin, Ohio. CRCL conducted an onsite investigation at Seneca on July 11-13, 2022 (the July 2022 onsite) with subject matter experts (SME) in medical care and mental health care participating in-person, and an environmental health and safety SME participating virtually. Due to unforeseen circumstances, CRCL’s conditions of detention expert was not able to participate in the July 2022 onsite. As a result, CRCL conducted a second virtual onsite at Seneca with its conditions of detention SME on September 28-29, 2022 (the September 2022 onsite).

  • Recommendations Memo Regarding Cancellation of F-1 Visas of Iranian Nationals

    This memo provides recommendations regarding U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Office of Field Operations cancellation of the F-1 nonimmigrant student visas of Iranian nationals.

  • Retention Memo to ICE Concerning Folkston Processing Center in Folkston, Georgia

    The purpose of this memorandum is to notify of the complaints and describe the allegations, inform that CRCL will retain the above-referenced complaints for investigation, conduct an onsite investigation, and explain how CRCL will work with ICE during our investigation concerning the Folkston ICE Processing Center in Folkston, Georgia.

  • Close Memorandum Regarding Investigation at Jackson Parish Correctional Center

    This memorandum concludes the investigation CRCL conducted into allegations related to ICE detainees at the Jackson Parish Correctional Center (Jackson Parish) in Jonesboro, Louisiana. Following a collaborative process between CRCL and ICE, CRCL is closing the complaints.

  • Close Memorandum Regarding Investigation at Stewart Detention Center

    This memorandum concludes the investigation CRCL conducted into allegations related to ICE noncitizens at the Stewart Detention Center (SDC) in Lumpkin, Georgia. Following a collaborative process between CRCL and ICE, CRCL is closing the complaints.

  • Retention Memo Concerning Maritime Interdiction, Protection Screening, and Custody of Migrants in the Caribbean

    The purpose of this memorandum is to notify you of the complaint, inform you that CRCL will retain these complaints for investigation, and explain how CRCL will work with USCG, USCIS, ICE, and CBP due to the interconnected role the agencies perform interdicting maritime migrants.

  • Retention Memo to ICE Concerning Central Louisiana Processing Center

    CRCL has received complaints alleging that ICE has violated individuals’ civil rights and civil
    liberties at the Central Louisiana ICE Processing Center (CLIPC), in Jena, Louisiana. The purpose of this memorandum is to notify ICE of the complaints and describe the allegations, inform ICE that CRCL will retain the complaints for investigation and conduct an onsite investigation, and explain how CRCL will work with ICE during the investigation.