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CRCL Recommendation and Investigation Memos Collection

The DHS Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties reviews and investigates civil rights and civil liberties complaints and alleged abuses filed by the public regarding DHS policies and activities. The investigations involve a range of alleged abuses, including violation of rights while in immigration detention. CRCL issues recommendations to the relevant DHS Component aimed at addressing any civil rights or civil liberties concerns identified as part of its investigation. Redacted memos and other documents related to these investigations are included in this library.

  • Retention Memo to ICE Concerning Retaliation Allegations in ICE Custody

    In October 2022, CRCL conducted a review of all allegations received by CRCL from May 1, 2021, until July 6, 2022 that involved retaliation or threats of retaliation by ICE and facility personnel against individuals in ICE custody. 

  • Determination Memo to USCIS Concerning Section 504

    The purpose of this memorandum is to inform USCIS of the finding by CRCL that USCIS discriminated against the complainant in violation of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (Section 504), 29 U.S.C. § 794(a). This memorandum also describes the remedy required by CRCL and provides USCIS additional related recommendations.

  • Close Memo to ICE Concerning Prairieland Detention Center

    This memorandum concludes the investigation CRCL conducted into allegations related to ICE detainees at the Prairieland Detention Center (PDC) in Alvarado, Texas. From September 8-10, 2020, CRCL conducted an onsite investigation at the PDC, accompanied by three subject matter experts in the areas of medical care, environmental health and safety, and conditions of detention. On March 30, 2021, CRCL provided ICE with an Expert Recommendation Memorandum, which contained 21 recommendations, along with the experts’ written reports. On September 7, 2021, ICE responded to the recommendations, concurring with 16, partially concurring with 4, and non-concurring with one.

  • Recommendation Memo to CBP Concerning Response to Migrant Activity in Del Rio, Texas

    This memorandum provides recommendations related to the investigation conducted by CRCL of the CBP response to a surge of primarily Haitian migrants in September 2021.

  • Retention Memo to CBP Concerning Treatment of Religious Items During CBP Processing and Access to Religious Meals

    CRCL reviewed allegations that Sikh individuals had their turbans discarded by U.S. Border Patrol agents during processing in the Yuma Sector. This memorandum is to notify of the complaint, describe allegations, and inform that CRCL retained this complaint for investigation.

  • Recommendation Memo to ICE Concerning Moshannon Valley Processing Center

    CRCL conducted a "spot-check" into conditions of detention of the ICE Moshannon Valley Processing Center in Philipsburg, Pennsylvania on August 24 -25, 2022. Based upon detainee and staff interviews, document reviews, review of use of force video footage, and direct onsite observations, CRCL's subject matter expert found several areas of concerns and is issuing 29 recommendations contained herein.

  • Close Memo Regarding CBP's Treatment of Children with Disabilities

    On September 10, 2020, CRCL issued a Recommendation Memorandum to CBP following an investigation of several CRCL complaints concerning the separation of children with disabilities from their families. CRCL found that existing CBP measures and guidelines did not fully address the factors that CBP should consider when separating a child with a disability from his or her parent or guardian, and that CBP documentation was often inadequate.

  • Close Memo to ICE Concerning Immigration Centers of America in Farmville, Virginia

    On May 26, 2021, CRCL provided ICE with an Expert Recommendation Memorandum, which contained 43 recommendations, along with the experts' written reports. On May 26, 2022, ICE responded to the recommendations, concurring with nine, partially concurring with eight, and non-concurring with 26.

  • Close Memo to ICE Concerning Wakulla County Jail in Crawfordville, Florida

    From December 3-5, 2019, CRCL conducted an onsite investigation at Wakulla County Jail, using four subject matter experts in the areas of medical care, mental health care, environmental health and safety, and conditions of detention.

  • Expert Recommendation Memo to ICE Concerning Plymouth County Correctional Facility

    CRCL conducted an investigation into conditions of detention for ICE detainees at the Plymouth Country Correctional Facility (PCCF) in Plymouth, Massachusetts. CRCL’s virtual onsite investigation occurred February 9–11, 2022 and was in response to complaints alleging civil rights and civil liberties violations at PCCF related to legal access, religious accommodations, inadequate food and/or nutrition, inadequate medical care, lack of COVID-19 policies and procedures, and claims of retaliation.