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Publications Library

The Publication Library contains guidance and policy papers, reports, strategies, program regulations, guidelines, brochures and more.

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  • DHS/CBP/PIA-059 E-Commerce “Section 321” Data Pilot

    U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is conducting a voluntary test to collect certain advance data related to shipments potentially eligible for release under Section 321 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, 19 U.S.C. § 1321 (“Section 321”). Section 321 provides for an administrative exemption from duty and taxes for shipments of merchandise (other than bona-fide gifts and certain personal and household goods) imported by one person on one day having an aggregate fair retail value in the country of shipment of not more than $800. Pursuant to this test, participants will electronically transmit certain data elements pertaining to these shipments to CBP in advance of arrival. CBP is conducting this test to determine the feasibility of requiring advance data from different types of parties and requiring additional data that is generally not required under current regulations in order to effectively identify and target high-risk shipments in the e-commerce1 environment. CBP published a Notice in the Federal Register on July 23, 2019, announcing the pilot.2 CBP is publishing this new Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) to provide notice of information collection requirements for the Section 321 Data Pilot, and to assess the privacy risks of its collection and use of personally identifiable information under this pilot.

  • DHS/CISA/PIA-033 National Cybersecurity Protection System (NCPS)-Intrusion Detection

    The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Cybersecurity Division (CSD) leads the Federal Government effort to protect and defend federal civilian Executive Branch agency networks from cyber threats. These efforts are conducted, in part, through the National Cybersecurity Protection System’s (NCPS) intrusion detection capabilities — formerly referred to as EINSTEIN 1 and EINSTEIN 2. This Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) provides a programmatic update on the NCPS intrusion detection capabilities and provides an in-depth analysis of the collection of information related to known or suspected cyber threats that could potentially include information that could be considered personally identifiable information (PII). Due to the close operational relationship between the NCPS network flow (netflow) and intrusion detection capabilities, this PIA combines, updates, and replaces the former EINSTEIN PIA (September 2004) and EINSTEIN 2 PIA (May 2008).

  • DHS Statement on Safety and Enforcement During Tropical Depression Imelda

    The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued the following statement on safety and enforcement during Tropical Depression Imelda:

    U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are concerned about the flooding caused by Tropical Depression Imelda to southeast Texas. Our highest priority remains the preservation of life and safety. In consideration of these circumstances, there will be no immigration enforcement initiatives associated with evacuations or sheltering related to the storm, except in the event of a serious public safety threat.

  • ST-Internet Infrastructure Risk Economics Research Issue Brief

    This issue brief focuses on raising awareness of the state of affairs regarding internet infrastructure risk assessment and related supply chain accountability. In particular, the brief highlights the role of research and development (R&D) in identifying and understanding the existing and emerging vulnerabilities and threats to internet infrastructure to inform effective internet infrastructure risk management.

  • DHS Strategic Framework for Countering Terrorism and Targeted Violence

    The DHS Strategic Framework for Countering Terrorism and Targeted violence explains how the department will use the tools and expertise that have protected and strengthened the country from foreign terrorist organizations to address the evolving challenges of today.

  • Acting DHS Secretary McAleenan Letter on Protecting DHS Law Enforcement Partners from Violent Attacks

    In the aftermath of recent violent assaults against DHS, including an attack on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office in San Antonio, Texas, Acting DHS Secretary Kevin K. McAleenan writes to ICE personnel and all of the DHS law enforcement community to make clear that while peaceful protest is a constitutionally protected, time-honored American tradition, violence will not be tolerated.

  • DHS/USSS/PIA-025 United States Secret Service Special Operations Division Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems in support of United Nations General Assembly

    The United States Secret Service’s (USSS or Secret Service) Special Operations Division (SOD) is conducting a pilot, in coordination with the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) and Science & Technology Directorate (S&T), to test and evaluate technologies used to detect, identify, and mitigate Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) that may pose a potential threat to “covered facilities” and assets at the September 2019 United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). These protective technologies are referred to as Counter-UAS (C-UAS) systems. This Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) discusses measures taken to mitigate privacy risks and the impact to protect personally identifiable information (PII) during the deployment of C-UAS technologies in an urban setting under operational circumstances.

  • Recommendations Memo Concerning Ensuring Meaningful Access for Indigenous Language Speakers

    Pursuant to 6 U.S.C. § 345 and 42 U.S.C. § 2000ee-1, this memorandum provides policy recommendations to CBP regarding a complaint in which the complainant
    alleges that CBP failed to provide him meaningful language access during the inspections process.

  • DPIAC Recommendations Report 2018-02 Immigration Statistics Data Dissemination Practices

    On September 15, 2017, the DHS Chief Privacy Officer issued a tasking requesting that the DPIAC provide guidance on how best to disseminate statistical data from the Office of Immigration Statistics (OIS) in order to strengthen the Department’s ability to analyze the immigration enforcement and immigration benefits lifecycles, and provide real-time access to relevant immigration data needed to support operations, analysis, reporting, and strategic decision making. This integrated immigration data system will also support the Department’s ability to disseminate statistics and to permit public access to statistical information that will inform key stakeholders and promote transparency.

  • ST-P25 CAP Program Updates – August 2019

    The P25 CAP Program Updates for August 2019 can be downloaded below.

Last Updated: 01/28/2022