DHS S&T Expands Mobile App Archiving Technology | Homeland Security
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DHS S&T Expands Mobile App Archiving Technology

Release Date: April 8, 2015
For Immediate Release
DHS Science & Technology Press Office
Contact: John Verrico, (202) 254-2385

Washington, D.C.–The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) today announced the expansion of the mobile application archiving technology across all major mobile apps markets. In addition to Android apps, the technology can now archive apps from iTunes, Windows Phone Store, Google Play, Amazon, and 83 global third-party mobile app markets such as Baidu and Cydia.

“The demand of today’s IT service has evolved from desktop computers to mobile technologies,” said DHS Under Secretary for Science and Technology Dr. Reginald Brothers. “To accomplish the Department’s mission, we are leveraging mobile technologies and enabling a mobile workforce. This technology will help manage and secure mobile apps and the delivery of next generation IT services.”

In 2013 the S&T Cyber Security Division (CSD) developed the mobile app archiving project to help the government vet and inventory mobile apps quickly. In December 2014, the project, developed by George Mason University and commercialized through a small business, KryptoWire, announced the first technology phase, which archived Android smartphone apps and integrated existing app vetting capabilities to help analysts understand app changes over the app’s lifespan. 

The technology’s second phase has now been commercialized by KryptoWire and currently archives more than 2.4 million unique free apps and the top 200 paid apps across four major app stores. The technology has the capability to archive additional mobile apps on-demand. 

This mobile app archiving technology will be featured at the upcoming 2015 RSA Conference on April 21- 24, along with other S&T-funded technologies ready for transition into the marketplace.

With the success of the mobile archiving application technology’s expansion and as technology continues to evolve, S&T will continue to fund research and development for projects that will enable the adoption of secure mobile technologies.  


Last Updated: 11/07/2019
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