Technology Clearinghouse | Homeland Security
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Technology Clearinghouse Encourages and Supports Innovative Solutions to Enhance Homeland Security

Visit the DHS Technology Clearinghouse to discover information about innovative technology solutions and final results from research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) activities. Visit our homepage and update your bookmarks to:

About the Technology Clearinghouse

The Technology Clearinghouse provides its stakeholders with curated and actionable results of research and development activities related to homeland security technology. This information aids in the ongoing research and development (R&D) and procurement of innovative technology solutions, helping decision makers save time, resources, money, and lives. The Clearinghouse provides authoritative and actionable information on:

  • Technology requirements and gaps;
  • Technology scouting information;
  • RDT&E activities; and
  • Technology transition and commercialization successes.

The Technology Clearinghouse serves the broader homeland security community: researchers, developers, innovators, policy makers, and practitioners. It provides seamless access to information about Department of Homeland Security (DHS) science and technology reports and to other authoritative science and technology content. Public information can be discovered and accessed by all visitors to the site. Sensitive content (e.g., For Official Use Only (FOUO) and Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES) information) is currently available to those with DHS credentials.

fact sheet provides an overview of the Technology Clearinghouse and the value it offers for sharing authoritative science and technology information to foster development and deployment of innovative technology solutions.

Submitting Content

Program, project, and activity managers within DHS that produce innovative technology solutions and final RDT&E results related to homeland security are asked to submit information about their work to the Technology Clearinghouse. Submitting content is easy for authorized DHS staff to do thanks to the interactive ‘Submit New Content’ form on the Technology Clearinghouse. Questions about types of content to submit, compliance considerations (IP, privacy, foreign disclosure, etc.), and other aspects of content submission can be directed to the Technology Clearinghouse team at

Future Development

The Technology Clearinghouse continues to grow and adapt with plans to grant appropriate access to restricted information to other federal, state, and local homeland security professionals, as well as to those in R&D and academia. The knowledge produced by research and development is only useful when key stakeholders can discover and apply it to their decision making and mission activities. Enhancements to the Clearinghouse are underway to make it even easier to share content with more stakeholders.

Legislative Authority

The DHS Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) created the Technology Clearinghouse to fulfill the mandate in the Homeland Security Act of 2002, section 313, which calls for the establishment of a centralized technology clearinghouse that allows federal, state, local, and territorial governments, as well as private sector entities, to gather information on homeland security technologies at any stage in the development lifecycle.

Contact Us

Do you have a story about how the Technology Clearinghouse helped inform decisions for your research and development, acquisitions, or current projects? Do you have feedback on how the Clearinghouse can further support the homeland security community? Share it with the Technology Clearinghouse team! Success stories help refine Clearinghouse features and guide our continual efforts to improve this tool. Email

Last Updated: 08/22/2023
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