20 Years of Academic Excellence
S&T’s Office of University Programs and others reflect on how the DHS Centers of Excellence have impacted the nation.
Investing in the Future with HS-POWER Interns
Celebrating 100 talented students and their mentors who are making a positive impact across DHS.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Office of University Programs (OUP) streamlines access to the expertise of the nation’s colleges and universities by providing innovative research, development and education to address pressing homeland security needs. View our OUP fact sheet to learn more.
S&T's Office of University Programs Harnesses the Intellectual Power of America's Universities
Funding and Partnership Opportunities for Students and Academic Institutions
The Office of University programs offers a number of opportunities for engagement, including paid programs for undergraduate and graduate students, and requests for information and proposals for college and university research programs.
- Undergraduate and graduate Students -The Homeland Security Professional Opportunities for Student Workforce to Experience Research (HS-POWER) program aims to promote long-term relationships between students, researchers, DHS personnel, and research facilities to develop a diverse, educated, and skilled pool of STEM professionals. The program provides undergraduate and graduate students paid opportunities to participate in quality homeland security-related research experiences.
- Undergraduate and graduate students and early-career faculty - The Summer Research Teams (SRT) program places MSI teams made up of early-career faculty, undergraduate and graduate students for ten weeks to conduct full-time collaborative research at a DHS Center of Excellence.
- College and Universities – Throughout the year, many DHS Centers of Excellence issue requests for information and calls for proposals on topics of importance to the homeland security mission. Visit S&T’s Funding and Partnership Opportunities web page to view current announcements.
Follow @dhsscitech on your preferred social media platforms for news about opportunities and events from the Office of University Programs.
- News Release: DHS S&T Awards More Than $1.7M to 19 Minority Serving Institutions for Summer Research Team Projects
- Blog: Cybersecurity Is a Top Priority and a Collective Effort
- Blog: 20 Years of Academic Excellence
- National Preparedness Month: Having the Tools at Hand
- Blog: Celebrating a Summer of STEM
- Feature Article: Inequity IS the Disaster
- Blog: Strides in STEM: Honoring Women-Led Achievements at Our Centers of Excellence
- Blog: Safeguarding Our Agriculture and Food Supply
- Blog: Preparing for Extreme Weather Events
- Blog: In Their Own Words: S&T’s Women in Science
- S&T in 2023: A Year in Review
- Video: ADAC-ARCTIC, DHS Center of Excellence in the Arctic
- News Release: DHS S&T to Award $46M Funding to The University of Alaska Anchorage to Launch the ADAC-ARCTIC Center of Excellence for Homeland Security in the Arctic
- Blog: 2023 - An Investment in the Future
- News Release: DHS S&T Awards $3M to University of Illinois for Next Generation 911 Interoperability Testing
- Blog: Protecting Our Critical Infrastructure During Uncertain Times
- News Release: DHS S&T Awards Nearly $1.8M to 18 Faculty Members at Minority Serving Institutions to Further Summer Research Team Program Projects
- Feature Article: Keeping Score—New Tool Helps Communities Plan for and Mitigate Disasters
- Feature Article: Summer of Science with S&T's HS-POWER Interns
- Feature Article: S&T Awardees Help Undeserved Communities, and the Nation, Tackle Tough Challenges
- Technologically Speaking Podcast: Bring the Best You Have, Innovate and Push
- News Release: DHS S&T Awards $9M in Scientific Leadership Award Grants to Eight Minority Serving Institutions
- Blog: Congratulations to our First MBA Graduating Class
- Blog: Science Strengthens Its Stride: Welcome HS-POWER Interns
- News Release: DHS S&T Announces $45M Funding Opportunity for New Center of Excellence for Homeland Security in the Arctic
- Blog: Big Promise from the Very Small
- Feature Article: Ensuring Next Generation 911 Interoperability
- News Release: DHS S&T Announces New Student Research Internship
- Feature Article: S&T Hackathon Addresses Emerging Threats to Critical Infrastructure
- News Release: DHS S&T Selects 2022 Summer Research Teams from Minority Serving Institutions
- News Release: DHS S&T Awards Funding to Minority Serving Institutions to Advance Summer Research Projects
- News Release: DHS S&T Launches the 2022 HS Power Program