T2C | Homeland Security
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  1. Science and Technology
  2. Work with S&T
  3. Technology Transfer and Commercialization Program

Technology Transfer & Commercialization

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate's (S&T) Technology Transfer and Commercialization Program (T2C) serves as the centralized point to manage technology transfer activities throughout DHS and the DHS laboratory network. Technologies developed and evaluated within the department can have tremendous potential for commercial applications throughout the nation, enhance the competitiveness of individual small businesses, and expand areas of exploration and cooperation for all non-federal partners.

T2C serves as the Office of Research and Technology Applications for DHS and manages the intellectual property and technology transfer functions that facilitate:

  • Promulgating DHS guidance and procedures related to technology transfer and commercialization
  • Reporting and protecting DHS-funded intellectual property via patents, copyrights, and working with the Office of General Counsel
  • Licensing intellectual property
  • Disbursing license royalties
  • Negotiating memoranda of understanding to initiate collaborations with federal partners
  • Annual reporting to congress on utilization of DHS funded technology.

Last Updated: 03/10/2025
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