Chemical, Biological and Explosive Defense R&D | Homeland Security
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  3. Chemical, Biological and Explosive Defense R&D

Chemical, Biological and Explosive Defense R&D

The Science and Technology Directorate’s (S&T’s) research and development (R&D) investments support prevention and protective strategies, as well as the coordinated surveillance and detection of chemical, biological and explosive (CBE) threats.  R&D includes prevention of terrorism, reduction of vulnerability of critical infrastructure from terrorist attacks and other hazards, and prevention of the illicit movement and illegal entry or exit of people, weapons, dangerous goods, and contraband by providing technology, methods, and procedures to detect CBE threats.  

S&T’s CBE defense R&D programs include the following:  

Learn more about us and discover how your organization can partner with S&T to make the homeland more secure.

Last Updated: 06/11/2024
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