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Feature Article: Plant Disease Detection at the Speed of Commerce
Every year, millions of pounds of fresh fruits, vegetables and animal products enter through U.S. ports of entry, possibly harboring hidden serious threats for our agriculture and national economy.
S&T Updates Master Question List for Synthetic Opioids
DHS S&T released an updated Master Question List (MQL) for Synthetic Opioids.
DHS and Japan Sign Joint Statement to Advance Mutual S&T Goals
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) signed a Joint Statement of Intent (JSoI) for collaborative research, development and foreign technical exchanges with Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). The details of this statement re-affirm the commitment of the two countries to cooperate in fields of science and technology.
Feature Article: Unmanned Aircraft Systems for First Responders in Rural Environments
S&T’s National Urban Security Technology Laboratory tested how UAS systems support first responders in the field.
Feature Article: Digital Mapping Helps First Responders Better Navigate Inside Buildings
Agencies are using S&T-funded Mappedin to find their way quickly during critical incidents in schools and public buildings.
DHS S&T Announces Track 3 of the Remote Identity Validation Tech Demo Challenge
DHS S&T announced the launch of Track 3 of the Remote Identity Validation Technology Demonstration (RIVTD).
S&T Announces New Solicitation for Synthetic Data Generator Solutions
DHS S&T announced a new solicitation seeking solutions to generate synthetic data that models and replicates the shape and patterns of real data, while safeguarding privacy and mitigating security harms.
Feature Article: Wearable Tech Mitigates First Responder Exposure to Chemical Threats
New cutting-edge sensors will help responders better protect themselves from dangerous chemicals in the field.
S&T National Lab Offers Chemistry-focused College Seminar
On National STEM Day, we highlight recent Chemical Security Analysis Center efforts to foster a new generation of leaders who will represent S&T amongst the greater scientific community.
Feature Article: Keeping Score - New Tool Helps Communities Plan for and Mitigate Disasters
With the newly-launched Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard, S&T’s Coastal Resilience Center is preparing local governments for hurricane season—and beyond.