National Laboratories | Homeland Security
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S&T Office of National Laboratories

S&T Office of National Laboratories (ONL) offers a broad laboratory network including in-house laboratories with capabilities aligned strategically to enduring and strategic mission needs of DHS.

About ONL


ONL develops and utilizes a coordinated network of DHS and Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories to deliver enduring capabilities vital to DHS and the national homeland security mission. This extensive network of laboratories houses state-of-the-art science and technology capabilities that the Homeland Security Enterprise leverages to support long-term and day-to-day operational requirements.  More about ONL

5 in-house laboratories

750 experts and staff

ONL capabilities are spread across five states (AL, FL, MD, NJ and NY). These laboratories and sites are national assets to DHS operational components and partners, and anchor a science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) presence in the areas in which they reside. Whether the mission need requires applied research supporting requirements definition, threat characterization, detection, mitigation or response, S&T’s lab network provides technologies and knowledge to help prevent terrorism, secure the homeland, and strengthen national preparedness and resilience.

S&T's Labs Support the DHS Mission. A female in white lab coat, wearing a mask and goggle working with test tubes.


Supporting DHS in core mission areas 

Last Updated: 03/07/2025
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