Industry Partnerships | Homeland Security
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Industry Partnerships

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Industry Partnerships engages industry and facilitates partnerships with private sector innovators to advance commercial technology solutions that address homeland security challenges. S&T’s innovation funding programs often have open solicitations that incentivize industry to help solve critical homeland security challenges. Visit our Funding Innovation page or go directly to the program pages to learn more about processes, eligibility, timelines, and how to apply.


For more information, contact us via email at


    The U.S.-Israel Binational Industrial Research and Development Homeland Security (BIRD HLS) program is a joint initiative funded by DHS S&T and the Israel Ministry of Public Security (MOPS) and managed by the BIRD Foundation.

  • IQT

    IQT is the independent, non-profit strategic investor for the CIA and the broader U.S. Intelligence Community—including DHS.

  • Prize Competitions

    DHS S&T Prize Competitions use crowd-sourcing to quickly find solutions to tough problems.


    S&T's Long-Range Broad Agency Announcement provides a standing invitation for technological proposals to solve homeland security problems.

  • SBIR

    The Small Business Innovation Research Program helps U.S. small businesses to develop innovative solutions to homeland security needs.

  • SVIP

    DHS S&T SVIP is keeping pace with the innovation community to tackle the hardest problems faced by DHS and the Homeland Security Enterprise.

  • T2C

    The Technology Transfer and Commercialization Program serves as the focal point for transition activities at DHS.

Last Updated: 02/23/2024
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