The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) relies on private sector partners to help us discover scientific advancements and technological innovations that solve homeland security challenges. There are many opportunities to work with S&T, from a wide variety of open solicitations such as the Long Range Broad Agency Announcement to specific programs like the SAFETY Act that provide incentives for the development and deployment of anti-terrorism technologies.
Learn more about our R&D mission and discover how you can work with S&T to make the homeland more secure!
New Partnership Guide Lays Out Pathways to Innovate with S&T!

S&T’s new Partnership Guide is your resource for discovering how to work with us. In our efforts to deliver effective and innovative scientific and technological insights, methods, standards, and solutions for homeland security, we leverage a broad network of partners to help fulfill DHS’s mission requirements. Whether you are an innovator, industry, academia, a research-oriented organization, an international government, or federal agency, find out how you can take part in our lifecycle of innovation through collaborative research and development partnership opportunities and support the delivery of innovative technologies for homeland security. You’ll also learn about our five key mission-focused areas and detailed descriptions of priority research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) needs. Download our guide to learn more!
Do you want to learn how to work with DHS S&T?

DHS S&T's Insights Outreach webinar series is an opportunity for the innovation community, including small businesses and startups, to learn how to navigate S&T partnership opportunities. Hosted by S&T’s Office of Industry Partnerships (OIP), we provide overviews of our innovation funding programs, DHS mission needs, and alternative paths to funding to help get the best homeland security solutions to market faster. Check out our recorded webinars where you can hear directly from OIP program managers, partners across S&T, and DHS component customers.
Tell Us About Your Technology!
If you or your organization would like to tell us about your technology and receive news and updates from S&T about our opportunities, please fill out the DHS Industry Outreach Form and submit back to
S&T works with homeland security operators to identify and fully understand their R&D needs. These needs are laid out in DHS Integrated Product Teams, Project Responder, and the S&T Partnership Guide. To learn more about the types of technologies and capabilities we think will address current homeland security needs , visit the DHS R&D Needs page.
Innovation is the driving force behind the work we do at S&T. From entrepreneurs and academia, to small businesses and large corporations, S&T has unique tools for different kinds of private sector entities to help us find new and emerging technology that can be designed, adapted, and used for homeland security. Visit our Funding Innovation page to learn about targeted funding mechanisms that launch innovation for DHS.
The Office of National Laboratories (ONL) provides a centralized laboratory-based research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) function for the entire Department under S&T. This coordinated network features streamlined access to Department of Energy National Laboratories, facilitated access to other government labs throughout the interagency, and use of S&T’s own laboratory capabilities and sites, which align with core RDT&E needs of DHS.
S&T’s labs include the Chemical Security Analysis Center, National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center, National Urban Security Technology Laboratory, Plum Island Animal Disease Center, and the Transportation Security Laborator (TSL). TSL capabilities are enhanced through alignment with S&T’s Detection Technology Center and the Tyndall Reactive Materials Group. The S&T labs’ independent, yet mission-aligned, support provides indispensable value to the men and women operating on the front line. These labs leverage partnerships with industry to help fulfill homeland security mission needs. If you are interested in conducting business with one of S&T’s labs, please contact us at
S&T's Partnership Guide lays out our research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) priorities and pathways to work with us. This guide explains how we work with our partners to support the development and delivery of innovative technologies for homeland security. As a companion to the Partnership Guide, our Innovation Programs & Tools booklet provides more detail on our tools for working with industry, including the process, eligibility, timelines, and how to apply.
S&T offers a Technology Clearinghouse to provide our stakeholders a central location to discover information and resources on the latest homeland security technologies to support all phases of the acquisition lifecycle.
S&T has a dedicated Industry Liaison who is focused on directing our private sector partners to the appropriate point of contact. If you have any questions on S&T partnership opportunities or would like to tell us about your capabilities, please email