Innovation is the driving force behind the work we do at S&T. Because potential solutions may exist outside the homeland security arena, S&T casts a wide inclusive net to find and use the best technologies. Whether you are a small or large business, academia, or start-up, we want you to help us innovate and advance homeland security solutions!
Innovation Contracting and Funding Mechanisms
DHS S&T has unique tools for working with many different private sector entities. The contracting mechanisms and funding opportunities managed by S&T support our partnership goals with the private sector to further homeland security R&D needs. Check out the table below for eligibility requirements on our tools and programs.

Targeted Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
Targeted BAAs are time-sensitive topic solicitations that execute defined research and development to deliver practical solutions to homeland security priority needs. For a list of open targeted BAA topics visit the BAA portal. -
Long Range Broad Agency Announcement
LRBAA is a standing, open invitation to the scientific and technical communities to propose novel ideas that address high-priority homeland security needs. For a list of open LRBAA topics visit the BAA portal. -
DHS S&T works with In-Q-Tel (IQT) to enhance DHS’s R&D activities by tapping into the innovation ecosystem. For more on DHS’s engagement with IQT, visit the In-Q-Tel Engagement page. -
Prize Competitions
Prize Competitions provide monetary incentives to mobilize a diverse set of innovators to address homeland security challenges using public crowd sourcing. For a list of open competitions, visit the Prize Competitions page. -
Silicon Valley Innovation Program (SVIP)
SVIP reaches innovation communities across the nation and world to harness commercial R&D for government applications and to co-invest in and accelerate the transition of technology to the commercial market. For a list of open SVIP calls, visit the Silicon Valley Innovation Program page. -
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program
The DHS SBIR Program provides funding to small businesses for concepts and prototypes in support of specific homeland security needs. The DHS SBIR Program posts one solicitation annually and awards contracts to small businesses. Visit the SBIR portal for more information. -
Binational Industrial Research and Development (BIRD)
The BIRD Homeland Security (HLS) program is a joint initiative funded by DHS S&T and the Israel Ministry of Public Security and managed by the BIRD Foundation. The program provides conditional grants of up to $1 million for approved projects and up to 50 percent of the combined project budget for the development of advanced technologies of mutual benefit to the U.S. and Israel.
Many in industry are looking for opportunities for the government to buy their product. A number of resources provide access to open acquisition opportunities through, including acquisitions specific to DHS.
In addition, the Government Acquisition & Grants Portal helps more than 100,000 vendors and grant applicants find, respond to and win opportunities for contracts, grants, and other types of assistance funding. houses more than 1,000 grant programs and vets grant applications for federal grant-making agencies.
If you do not find a current open opportunity through S&T, you may consider submitting your capability through the DHS Unsolicited Proposal Process. This process is for innovative and unique products and services that are not commercially available, and specific criteria must be met before an unsolicited proposal can be submitted. Find out more at unsolicited proposals to begin this process.
S&T is working to transfer federal R&D technology products to the commercial market for use by homeland security operators, and the Technology Transfer and Commercialization (T2C) Program manages technology transfer and commercialization activities across DHS and the DHS laboratory network. To learn more about T2C, including Cooperative Research and Development Agreements; licensing; and Partnership Intermediary Agreements, visit the T2C page.
The S&T Industry Guide lays out DHS technology needs, describes S&T’s technical focus areas, and identifies tools and opportunities for industry to work with us. As a companion to the Industry Guide, our Innovation Programs & Tools booklet provides more detail about our tools for working with industry, including the process, eligibility, timelines, and how to apply.
S&T has a dedicated industry liaison who is focused on directing our private sector partners to the appropriate point of contact. If you have any questions on S&T partnership opportunities or would like to tell us about your capabilities, please email