Help Shape the Future of Cybersecurity R&D | Homeland Security
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Help Shape the Future of Cybersecurity R&D!

Release Date: May 26, 2015

If you were to be stopped on the street and asked, “What does a trusted cyber future look like?” or “What will be the key to improving cybersecurity over the next five years?” what would you say?

Recognizing that cybersecurity is always changing, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) is developing security solutions by collaborating with a broad range of cybersecurity professionals around the world to secure our nation’s future.

We recently kicked off our National Conversation’s cyber dialogue – A Trusted Cyber Future –which will run through this fall. I want to encourage cybersecurity professionals – across public and private sectors and globally –  to join the conversation and help us  identify future requirements.

Cybersecurity is not just a government problem or a private industry problem. As our Cyber Security Division Director Doug Maughan likes to say, “Cybersecurity is a global sport.” S&T needs your help to think globally.

If you have an idea or an innovative solution, bring it to our attention! S&T will be using the 2011 Trustworthy Cyberspace: Strategic Plan for the Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Program and 2014 Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategy Implementation Progress Report to help develop the conversation around future cybersecurity research and development (R&D).

During our National Conversation, we plan to highlight technology acceleration from the lab to the marketplace. Our Transition to Practice (TTP) program has been successful in transitioning several federally funded technologies and we’re working hard to include transition opportunities into all our projects.

We are excited about our TTP program and the work we have accomplished in such a short amount of time. On June 9 S&T will present nine of its 2014 technologies at the  TTP Technology Demonstration Day for Investors, Integrators, and IT Companies (I3) – West in Santa Clara, Calif. I would like to invite cybersecurity investors, integrators and IT professionals to see cutting-edge technology that could change an organization’s cybersecurity posture. We look forward to sharing future innovations in cybersecurity.

For cybersecurity professionals, I want to leave you with this thought. The government no longer leads innovation – you do. We need your ideas and best thinking; so join us in creating a trusted cyber future. We look forward to partnering with you and hearing your voice so we can develop security solutions to combat crime, protect our infrastructure and keep our nation – and world – safer.

Dr. Reginald Brothers
Under Secretary for Science and Technology

Last Updated: 06/03/2021
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