Science and Technology Directorate Strategic Plan 2021 | Homeland Security
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DHS Science and Technology Directorate Strategic Plan 2021


The S&T 2021 Strategic Plan is predicated upon the current DHS Strategic Plan but also by the impacts of the current COVID-19 pandemic and the need for national alignment and agility to secure our nation. It outlines the Directorate’s way forward, to include leading the Department with our technical expertise; forging vital partnerships; ensuring excellence in programs; and as a necessity, maintaining a strong, well-prepared workforce at S&T. From our vision for success to the core values that guide every process, this strategic plan paves the way for research, science, innovation, and resulting technology. 

Attachment Ext. Size Date
Science and Technology Directorate Strategic Plan 2021 PDF 1.72 MB 01/25/2021
Last Updated: 05/19/2023
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