S&T TTP Infographic | Homeland Security
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Transition To Practice Infographic

TTP, Transition to Practice project image The Transition to Practice (TTP) program bridges the gap between research and the marketplace by connecting federal R&D sources with the private sector and investors to accelerate commercialization.  The TTP program leads the successful transition of federally funded cybersecurity technologies through an efficient transition process that has a lasting impact on the R&D ecosystem and has resulted in the commercialization of more than a dozen technologies and the creation of several new startups.

Every year, TTP conducts tech foraging to identify promising cybersecurity technologies from several sources of federally-funded R&D, including Department of Energy National Labs, Department of Defense Affiliated Labs, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC), University Affiliated Research Centers, and universities. Approximately eight new technologies are selected each year.  The TTP transition process includes training, market validation, testing and evaluation, pilot deployments, and outreach. Technologies are introduced to potential partners, investors, and integrators, and showcased at a national series of Technology Demonstration Days. TTP supports multiple paths to transition, including open source, licensing, startups, adoption by cyber operators, and government use.

The TTP infographic is titled “TTP ACCELERATES THE PATH FROM LAB TO MARKETPLACE".  The multistep process starts in the top left hand corner with a flag icon and text “We begin by identifying an important cyber NEED”. The next step to the right “We consider multiple sources of innovative R&D including TECH FORAGING at federal labs, universities, and FFRDCs”. In a call out box above the text, shows “18 labs partnered with” for tech foraging. Moving to the top right hand corner “We narrow it down and make the SELECTION based on uniqueness of approach and marketplace potential”. Moving down “For each technology we determine the most likely successful PATH TO MARKET” with an icon of a maze and an arrow winding through the entry through the pathway to the exit. Moving down on the right side in the middle is “We provide Labs and researchers TRAINING and resources on the commercialization process, IP, and licensing” with an icon of three people looking into an open book in front of them. Moving left, the next step is twofold –“We identify end-users and look at the competitive landscape during MARKET VALIDATION” with an icon of a checkmark superimposed on a financial bar chart showing an increase over time. And, “TECH VALIDATION is performed to enhance functionality, security, and usability of the technology” with an icon of a checkmark superimposed over an open laptop computer.  Moving to the left “Teams have the opportunity to perform DEMOS at TTP Demo Days, conferences, and industry events”. In a callout box below the text, “30 DEMO EVENTS held” is indicated. The step to the left, “To bring together the right elements for commercialization, we do OUTREACH & MATCHMAKING” has a call out box above with the words “OPERATORS, INVESTORS, DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS” stacked. Moving down to the bottom left hand corner of the chart is “Interested partners get an evaluation license to do PILOTS and deploy the technology in their environments” with a callout box above the text stating “19 PILOTS initiated”.  Moving to the right, the final step states “We’re successful when our technologies TRANSITION TO: STARTUPS, COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS, OPEN SOURCE, GOVERNMENT USE”. This text is in block bracketing with the TTP program bridge icon at the top right hand corner.

In the center of the header, the TTP infographic is titled “TRANSITION TO PRACTICE PROGRAM” with the email address ST.TTP@hq.dhs.gov below. The header has the DHS S&T logo in the upper left hand corner and the TTP program bridge icon in the upper right hand corner. In the body of the infographic, the top left hand corner says “TTP ENSURES THE RESULTS OF R&D DON’T SIT ON THE SHELF”. In brackets below it text reads “$118 FEDERAL R&D INVESTMENT”. To the right of this graphic in brackets is a gray silhouette map of the United States with general locations of tip sources indicated by triangles. The map show triangle arrows indicating R&D federal lab locations.  Starting in the southeast U.S. are three arrows, followed by five arrows from the northeast U.S.; one arrow from the great lakes area of the country; two arrows from the Midwest; two arrows from the northwest and three arrows from the west coast. Above the image reads “TTP SOURCES R&D FROM FEDERAL LABS ACROSS THE COUNTRY”.  In the top right corner of the body, it reads “TTP BRINGS VALUE TO MULTIPLE STAKEHOLDERS”. Below are three icons with wording to the right: the top icon is a graduation cap with “RESEARCHERS connect with end users and development and commercialization partners so that their technology doesn’t end up on the shelf”. The middle icon is an icon of a man in a tie with “INVESTORS have access to a portfolio of validated technologies and a connection point to the best technologies across the federal R&D system”. The bottom icon is the silhouette of three men with “USERS get their hands on the latest technologies and can try them out in their environments to meet operational and business needs”. In the center of the left side it reads “TTP TRANSITION TECHNOLOGIES” with an arrow pointing to a schematic showing the breakdown of licensed TTP transitioned technologies. Out of the 40 total technologies, 14 are commercialized technologies -seven belong to new companies, and five are open source technologies.  Below this image in the bottom left hand corner reads “TTP OFFERS A GROWING PORTFOLIO OF TRANSITION-READY TECHNOLOGIES’” with a line graph indicating the growth of the program from the years 2012 to 2017. TTP was launched in 2012 as a result of a White House initiative. The technology total grew from there as follows indicated in the line graph: eight in 2013, 17 in 2014, 24 in 2015, 32 in 2016 up to 40 in 2017. A calls out box pointing to 2014 indicates when the first technology transitioned.  The final image “TTP TECHNOLOGIES SPAN SEVERAL CYBER AREAS”. A bar chart shows the multiple cyber areas with different size bars corresponding to the number of technologies in that area. The number of TTP technologies in each cyber areas is as follows: eight in network security, eight is threat intelligence and analysis, five in industrial and IoT security, four in malware detection, three in application security, three in endpoint security, three in incident response, two in cloud security, two in cryptography and two in GRC. In the bottom left hand corner of the infographic is the email address ST.TTP@hq.dhs.gov.

Last Updated: 08/02/2024
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