S&T Prepaid Card Reader Fact Sheet and Video | Homeland Security
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Prepaid Card Reader Fact Sheet and Video


Large numbers of prepaid cards containing unknown amounts of money cross the United States’ (U.S.) border daily. A growing number of these cards are being used for illicit purposes. Currently, law enforcement agencies can’t identify or suspend funds from prepaid cards that may be used in support of criminal activities. To assist law enforcement personnel with this task, a technology is needed that can quickly scan prepaid cards and identify the funds associated with the cards. This technology will allow law enforcement to differentiate prepaid cards from credit or debit cards, and allow them to halt continued use of the suspect prepaid card while conducting additional investigations.

Attachment Ext. Size Date
Prepaid Card Reader Fact Sheet (2016) PDF 243.75 KB 04/27/2016
Last Updated: 01/12/2023
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