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Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency

The Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA) oversees a variety of programs and projects to ensure and improve the security of our nation.

Current News

S&T Evaluates TSA Touch-Free Fingerprint Scanners

Balancing speed and security at the airport is essential to ensuring safe, reliable travel. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) is working with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to evaluate new identity verification technology that can reduce the time it takes for travelers to pass through security.

In June, TSA began conducting a series of proof-of-concept tests for new biometric fingerprint technology with assistance from S&T’s Biometrics Technology Engine and Apex Screening at Speed program.

Learn more about these tests in this article.


Large–Scale Vehicle–Borne Improvised Explosive Device Testing

In recent years, several massive Vehicle–Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIEDs) (also known as car bombs) have been thwarted by local security forces throughout hotspots in the Middle East and Asia, and by U.S. coalition forces in Afghanistan.

VBIEDs continue to pose a real and evolving threat to even the most secure compounds. S&T's Explosives Division (EXD) has taken measures to address this threat directly. 

Learn how HSARPA's EXD is dealing with these threats.


The Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA) supports cutting-edge research to produce revolutionary changes in technologies, new capabilities and threat and risk assessments for the Homeland Security Enterprise (HSE).


Director (Acting) - Mr. William N. Bryan

Deputy Director - Mr. Robert Burns


HSARPA conducts analysis to understand component organizations current missions, systems and processes and helps identify operational gaps where new technologies can have the most impact. Program managers lead teams of subject matter experts to develop, test and evaluate these new homeland security technologies and capabilities.

HSARPA has seven main functional elements who focus their initiatives on S&T's visionary goals to include developing products that will help secure the homeland:

  • Borders and Maritime Security Division - Prevent contraband, criminals and terrorists from entering the U.S. while permitting the lawful flow of commerce and visitors.
  • Chemical and Biological Defense Division - Detect, protect against, respond to and recover from potential biological or chemical events.
  • Cyber Security Division - Create a safe, secure and resilient cyber environment.
  • Explosives Division - Detect, prevent and mitigate non-nuclear explosives attacks against people and infrastructure.
  • Program Executive Office Unmanned Aerial Systems - Guiding, assessing, advising, and enabling technical solutions for using SUAS and national efforts to counter SUAS misuse in the homeland.
  • Science & Technology Engines -  Centralized functions that provide the services to all Apex Programs and other programs with tailored solutions, best practices, subject matter expertise, and knowledge products. 
  • Integrated Product Teams - Identify capability gaps and find viable technologies that close those gaps and address components’ challenges


For comments or questions please contact our office.

If you have an idea or product that you would like to discuss, please email us.

Last Updated: 08/02/2024
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