New podcast dives deep into the stories of S&T’s groundbreaking research and development and the people who make it all possible.
All of us have a story of how we arrived at this present moment. Our backstory.
My own—since starting at the Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) some 14 years ago, I have had many roles—providing me nearly every perspective on research and development (R&D), innovation, and the DHS mission. From seeing technologies save lives, to experiencing the (sometimes) rocky road to innovation, it’s led me to today leading some of the finest experts currently in service to the nation.
And each of them has a unique backstory that has collectively brought us together to this present moment in tackling homeland security’s toughest challenges as a team. I’m thrilled to share that we now have a platform to tell the stories of our experts.

Today, we launch the Technologically Speaking podcast, a collection of personal accounts and the stories behind the science. I hope you will take us on the go to hear exclusive S&T stories, not just on our projects and programs, but from the dynamic and engaging leaders across many fields who have a love of science and a passion for security.
Here is a look at some of the subjects and conversations we will bring to you in the coming weeks:
- Biometrics: Arun Vemury of S&T’s Biometrics and Identity Technology Center examines fairness in facial recognition, how far scanning technologies have come, as well as the future of digital credentials.
- Bomb squad support: Byung Hee Kim of the S&T Response and Defeat Operations Support (REDOPS) program explores how S&T tests and evaluates DIY technologies developed by bomb techs themselves and how S&T makes them available to the greater response community.
- Canine explosive threat detection: Guy Hartsough of the S&T Detection Canine Program explains how we transform our canine best friends into an incomparable detection tool and our first line of defense against explosive threats.
- Chemical and biological decontamination: Don Bansleben of S&T’s Office of Mission and Capability Support highlights cross-agency collaborations that are studying various decontamination strategies, methods, and technologies so responders can be as prepared as possible for biohazard emergencies.
- Electronic jamming: Sridhar Kowdley of S&T’s Office for Interoperability and Compatibility Technology Center discusses efforts to test and evaluate mitigation technologies, training procedures, and operational tactics live from the JamX 2022 exercise in the New Mexico desert.
- First responders: Paul McDonagh, former Seattle Police Department Captain, delves into how responders of all disciplines from across the United States inform S&T’s technology development and how he went from advising S&T to joining the DHS team and leading our entire first responder R&D portfolio.
- Food defense: Jessica Cox of S&T’s Chemical Security Analysis Center shares how we’re harnessing the expertise of an S&T national laboratory to keep the nation’s food supply safe from intentional harm.
- Social Sciences: Rik Legault of S&T’s Social Sciences Technology Center will delve into how S&T analyzes the human aspect of introducing new technologies, programs, and policies—conducting assessments to identify roadblocks, optimize processes, and determine success.
- Threat characterization: Matt Moe of the S&T Probabilistic Analysis for National Threats Hazards and Risks (PANTHR) program shares how S&T tackles the most pressing chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats—including the COVID-19 pandemic—and disseminates critical technical information around the world to arm decision makers and operators with the tools they need to take action.
Season one podcasts will be released weekly on Wednesdays through mid-September, so be sure to subscribe to be notified when new Technologically Speaking episodes are available and follow @DHSSciTech and #TechnologicallySpeaking on social media. The episodes, related show notes, and information about our amazing hosts John Verrico and Deepak Saini will all be available on our website.
Thank you in advance for giving us a listen! Now I have a question for you, our audience: Technologically Speaking, what S&T stories do you want to hear next? Tell us: