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Responder News: New Helmet Mounted Thermal Sensor
Firefighters often find themselves in situations where they are in danger of getting burned because the surrounding ambient temperature has risen to a level beyond the protective capabilities of their Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and their Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Responder News: Project Roundup April / May 2015
The Department Homeland Security (DHS) Science & Technology Directorate (S&T) regularly posts a roundup of key updates from projects currently in the development stages in S&T's First Responders Group (FRG). This article outlines FRG's accomplishments in April and May 2015.
S&T To Demonstrate Cutting-Edge Cybersecurity Technologies
On June 9, 2015, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate will showcase nine cutting-edge cybersecurity technologies, developed by the Department of Energy and Department of Defense National Laboratories, at the Santa Clara Marriott in Santa Clara, Calif.
NBAF Construction Begins
Last Wednesday, May 27, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, and I broke ground to officially begin construction of the National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) main laboratory structure in Manhattan, Kansas.
DHS Selects UH as COE for Borders, Trade & Immigration Research
DHS S&T today announced the selection of the University of Houston as the lead institution for a new DHS Center of Excellence (COE) for Borders, Trade and Immigration Research.
Responder News: White House Police Data Initiative
In a pilot program, police departments will analyze and use data to boost community relations and reduce uses of force.
Help Shape the Future of Cybersecurity R&D
Recognizing that cybersecurity is always changing, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) is developing security solutions by collaborating with a broad range of cybersecurity professionals around the world to secure our nation’s future.
Prize Winners Announced
Today I am pleased to announce the winners of the Department’s first crowdsourced prize competition in support of the nation’s first responder community.
DHS S&T Announces Winners of Innovation Prize Competition
The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate today announced the winners of the Directorate’s first innovation prize competition.
S&T Successfully Transitions Virtual Shooter
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) announced today the successful completion of a robotic device that tests multiple types of handguns and ammunition.
Responder News: Next Generation First Responder Program, Driven by First Responders
First responder input directly drives new S&T Apex program.
DHS S&T Awards Final Contract for Construction of NBAF
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) today announced the award of a contract for the final phase of construction of the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) being constructed in Manhattan, Kansas.
New Dialogues, New Connections
As momentum builds, we are finding the conversation is defining itself as a broad opportunity for encouraging stakeholder input and discussion on the future of homeland security.
Responder News: Body Worn Cameras for Law Enforcement
In January 2015, the System Assessment and Validation for Emergency Responders (SAVER) Program assessed body-worn video cameras for use by law enforcement.
DHS Transitions FINDER
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T), in partnership with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory, announced today the transition of the final prototype of the Finding Individuals for Disaster and Emergency Response (FINDER) technology to the commercial market. FINDER is a radar technology designed to detect heartbeats of victims trapped in wreckage.
FINDER Successful, Saves lives
This week’s success with FINDER is a perfect example of why we do what we do at S&T. Here, science and technology research and development not only provided an operational solution to our stakeholders, but it saved lives.
FINDER Helps Save Four in Nepal
Four men trapped under as much as 10 feet of bricks, mud and other debris have been rescued in Nepal thanks to a new search-and-rescue technology developed in partnership by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
Firefighter Glove NFPA Certified
After two years of development, field testing and subsequent improvements, the Science and Technology Directorate is proud to announce that a new improved structure glove that allows better fit, dexterity and flexibility has completed testing and received National Fire Protection Administration (NFPA) certification. The glove is now commercially available for firefighters use.
Spotlight Josh Dennis
Meet Joshua Dennis, Chicago Fire Department District Chief and member of the DHS S&T First Responder Resource Group (FRRG).
Responder News: Resources for Responder Roadside Safety
With the summer driving season almost upon us, refresher training and extra caution can help responders avoid roadway collisions.
Responder News: Strengthening Campus Security
Resources to help response agencies and university communities boost campus safety and enhance emergency planning.
S&T Showcases Cybersecurity Technologies
Targets for cyberattacks are closer to home than most people think. The water we drink, the electricity that powers our homes, and the banks that store our money are all prime targets for hackers.
S&T, Canada, USDA Partner to Develop a Car Wash that Could Protect Food Supply
Whether it’s a bacon cheeseburger that comes through a drive-thru window or a steak dinner at a five-star restaurant, food safety is universally important, and it starts long before a meal is on the table.
S&T Support of Cyber Competitions
The U.S. needs more cybersecurity professionals to ensure the security and resilience of our critical infrastructure and facilitate the uninterrupted functioning of our finance, utility, and communications sectors and more.