NGCI Apex Technology Approach & Process | Homeland Security
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NGCI Apex Technology Approach & Process

The NGCI Apex program will leverage existing federally funded and private sector research efforts that provide the required technology capabilities. To address the current needs of the financial services sector, the program will begin by identifying, testing, evaluating and transitioning, successful cyber technologies using a phased approach. The approach is designed to be a flexible, repeatable, and continuous process, which can be applied to each technology area (project) within the NGCI Apex program. The process begins with needs analysis, refinement, and technology area prioritization. The process is finalized once financial institutions adopt and transition the technologies through one of four different options: direct pilot, managed security services provider (MSSP), venture capital, or open source. The process will be implemented in four phases as depicted in the illustration below.

 Technology Approach and Process diagram.  It begins with needs analysis, refinement and prioritization.  Phase 2 consists of foraging for technologies, metrics development, solicitation requests and proposal selction.  Phase 3 is comprised of integration test and evaluation, and report results.  Phase 4 is the transition phase.

Last Updated: 08/02/2024
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