Technology Scouting | Homeland Security
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  3. Technology Scouting

Technology Scouting

Technology scouting is the process of identifying, locating, and evaluating existing or developing technologies, products, services, and emerging trends. This approach allows faster development and increases partnership opportunities and resources to assist with the development of current or future Homeland Security Enterprise (HSE) systems and needs.

Leveraging S&T staff, subject matter experts (SMEs), networks and databases, and other tools to search academia, labs, government sources, private industry, and international activity, Technology Scouting provides summary reports to support program planning and inform buy, build, or adapt decisions. Technology Scouting collects information on commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) and government-off-the-shelf (GOTS) products, prototypes, R&D activities, and partnership opportunities to operate a refined, iterative process for quick and effective reporting. Technology Scouting often utilizes to publish Requests for Information (RFIs) to gather additional information about solution options that may not appear in traditional technology scouting research methods.

Technology Scouting’s Place in S&T

Technology Scouting aims to avoid duplicate R&D projects, reduce time to field innovative solutions, and save money and resources. This is done through Technology Scouting Reports, Horizon Scanning, Rapid Technology Assessments, and Market Analysis. These products provide a distinct visibility into common technology needs and themes within, across, and beyond the DHS enterprise, enabling greater unity of effort and ultimately faster deployment of innovative technology for mission needs.

Occupying a unique place within the HSE, Technology Scouting has greater connectivity and coordination within S&T and the HSE while allowing for tailored deliverables specific to the customer’s needs and requirements. Technology Scouting provides unbiased research and analysis conducted by highly skilled and experienced staff in flexible time frames to fit the ever-changing world and technological environment.

Technology Scouting Process

Technology scouting is the process of identifying, tracking, and evaluating existing or developing technologies, products, services, and emerging trends. S&T Technology Scouting completes this in a repeatable, four-step process.

Customers submit a technology scouting request for an identified gap or mission need.

Communication and Data Collection
The Technology Scouting team conducts a scoping call with the customer to refine the request and ask questions that will guide the research process.

Analysis and Reporting
Technology Scouting connects with SMEs, scours open source and subscription databases, and presents the findings to the customer.

Last Updated: 01/12/2023
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