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Cybersecurity for the Oil and Gas Sector

The Cybersecurity for the Oil and Gas Sector (COGS) project undertakes collaborative research and development (R&D) efforts to improve the level of cybersecurity in critical systems of interest to the oil and natural gas sector. The project objective is to promote the interests of the sector while maintaining impartiality, the independence of the participants and vendor neutrality.


Industrial control systems were traditionally standalone systems used for automation and data acquisition. These systems and devices are increasingly vulnerable because they are connected to enterprise systems. The security of all systems are jeopardized as legacy components are integrated with networked systems and made more accessible.  This integration and “bolted-on” security needs to be evaluated and vendor products need to be tested prior to deployment. 


COGS takes a unique approach to research by leveraging public and private funds. The Linking the Oil and Gas Industry to Improve Cybersecurity (LOGIIC) consortium and the Gas Technology Institute (GTI) collaborative are public-private partnerships that conduct research to benefit critical infrastructure. By partnering with the private sector, DHS  Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) is working directly with customers to identify and refine requirements affecting the sector as a whole. Customers not only contribute funding, but they also participate in each effort from beginning to end, providing capability gaps, defining testing requirements, and providing input into final reports. This model increases the likelihood of transition and value of the research to the sector.


LOGIIC project image LOGIIC was formed in 2004 to facilitate cooperative research, development, testing and evaluation procedures to improve cybersecurity in petroleum industry digital control systems. After a successful first effort, the LOGIIC consortium was formally established as a collaboration between Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Automation Federation, and five major oil and gas companies. For more information and to access LOGIIC public reports, please visit

The GTI collaborative is an effort between that organization’s Operations Technology Development (GTI-OTD), natural gas distribution companies, and the DHS Science and Technology Directorate. The goal is to address high-priority cybersecurity issues of participating members through a focused outreach and education process and a technology evaluation and transfer initiative.

Both efforts are supported by independent, nonprofit research institute SRI International.


For the latest information about S&T Cybersecurity, visit the S&T Cybersecurity News, Publications, Videos and Events pages.


Last Updated: 08/02/2024
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