DHS SIC IX: Innovation, Research and Development Showcase Speakers | Homeland Security
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DHS SIC IX: Innovation, Research and Development Showcase—Speaker Information

DHS Strategic Industry Conversation (SIC) IX: Innovation, Research and Development (IRD) Showcase

Speaker Information

Below is information on the speakers for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Strategic Industry Conversation (SIC) IX: Innovation, Research and Development (IRD) Showcase taking place on Monday, October 30. The DHS SIC IX: IRD Showcase, held under the umbrella of the DHS Technology and Innovation Network (DHS-TIN), will communicate the Department’s key IRD areas of interest, exchange ideas, and share cross-cutting trends with attendees to increase transparency and support informed IRD investments and leverage innovation to support Homeland Security Enterprise (HSE) needs. 

Last Updated: 08/01/2024
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