HSARPA Fact Sheets | Homeland Security
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HSARPA Fact Sheets

HSARPA focus on a variety of projects that address multiple threat topics.  

Fact Sheets Division
Counter Terrorism Technology Evaluation Center HSARPA
Apex Air Entry Apex
Apex Air Exit Apex
Maryland Test Facility Apex
Air Based Technologies BMD
Apex Border Situational Awareness BMD
Arctic Communications and Technologies BMD
Coastal Surveillance System BMD
Ground Based Technologies BMD
Port and Coastal Surveillance BMD
Port and Waterway Resiliency BMD
Port of Entry Based Technology BMD
Port of Entry Forensics and Investigations BMD
Port of Entry People Screening BMD
Tunnel Detection and Surveillance BMD
Small Dark Aircraft: The Hunt for Drug-Smuggling Aircraft at our Borders BMD
Bioassays Public Health Actionable Assay CBD
Chemical Forensics Program Providing Law Enforcement with New Forensic Tools for the Investigation of Chemical Attack CBD
Detect to Protect Bio-Aerosol Detection Systems CBD
Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine CBD
Foreign Animal Disease Modeling CBD
Integrated Consortium of Laboratory Networks (ICLN) CBD
DHS NYC Subway Tracer Studies CBD
Cyber Forensics Support for Law Enforcement CSD
Cyber Physical Systems Security CSD
Defense Experimental Research Testbed DETER CSD
Distributed Environment for Critical Infrastructure Decision Making Exercises-DECIDE CSD
Homeland Open Security Technologies (HOST) CSD
Mobile Device Security CSD
National Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Research and Development Plan CSD
Secure Protocols for Routing Infrastructure CSD
Securing the Digital Homeland: S&T's Cyber Security Division CSD
Software Quality Assurance CSD
Transition to Practice CSD
Air Cargo Program EXD
Explosives Detection Canine Program EXD
Checked Baggage Program EXD
Commercial Aircraft Vulnerability and Mitigation (CAVM) Program Fact Sheets EXD
Homemade Explosives Characterization Program EXD
Regional Explosives Detection Dog Initiative
Resilient Tunnel Plug project
Secondary Screening Technology Development Program EXD
Surface Transportation Program EXD
Future Attribute Screening Technology-FAST HSARPA
Imaging System for Immersive Surveillance HSARPA
Protective Mats HSARPA
Sensor-Smart Affordable Autonomous Robotic Platform-SAARP HSARPA
Countering Unmanned Aircraft Systems PEO UAS
Enabling Unmanned Aircraft Systems PEO UAS


Last Updated: 08/02/2024
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