S&T Flood Apex Landsat Mission & Mapping Fact Sheet | Homeland Security
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Flood Apex Program: Utilizing the Landsat Mission and Spectral Indices to Automate Flood Extent Mapping Fact Sheet


Despite flood mitigation and prevention efforts being a priority in the United States, floods cause more than $6 billion in damages and approximately 140 fatalities a year. This makes floods the leading cause of losses from natural disasters. It is important to develop accurate flood inundation maps for disaster relief efforts and for the creation of flood-plain management regulations. Monitoring floods through traditional ground surveying is expensive, time-consuming, and resource intensive. Newly available space-borne and airborne observations provide a cost-effective method for evaluating flood events.

Attachment Ext. Size Date
Utilizing the Landsat Mission and Spectral Indices to Automate Flood Extent Mapping Fact Sheet (2016) PDF 189.64 KB 08/10/2016
Last Updated: 01/12/2023
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